Thanksgiving Week

Friday - My parents arrived on Friday night while I was dropping the kids off at the Swing Dance Dress Rehearsal.  They were playing ping pong when I walked in.  It was fun to see them and we immediately started talking about the opportunity to move to Boise.  Chris arrived home shortly after and we continued the discussion over Sourdough  Pepper Jelly grilled cheese sandwiches.  At 6:30 we headed over to the Swing Dance Performance.  Fun to watch all four kids perform in their various numbers.  They all love it.

Saturday my parents slept in, Chris went to work and the kids and I headed to the church to help clean.  Back at home we ate breakfast and started some on-line shopping and idea looking.  At 2:00 we headed to Luke’s indoor soccer game (He did great) a couple errands in between and then Matt’s basketball game at 4:00.  Saturday night we

On Sunday I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting – ‘Gratitude in Every Circumstance’.  Chris went to work but then drove back to hear me.  It went well and I was able to speak without completely crying through the whole thing like I worried I would.  Too many emotions going on with this Boise thing on our minds.  So nice to have the talk over.  In Beehives we made lists of things we were grateful for.  It was all I could handle this week. ; ) 

Monday my Mom and I shopped at the Shops of Briargate ALL DAY LONG with lunch at Panera Bread in between.  It was SO much fun.  Love the stores there too.  Chris started FHE by saying, “Today for FHE we’ve invited one of your ancestors to talk about ‘ancestors.’  Grandpa told stories of one of his great grandmothers and we pulled out our Family History binders to find her on our pedigree charts.  Then popcorn  : )

Chris had a meeting with the CEO in Boise today who gave him some specifics on numbers, salary, time off etc.  It was useful information and Chris immediately put it into a spreadsheet to compare against our current situation.  What actually seemed to be much different turned out to be very similar when you take the GS retirement into consideration.  Interesting.

Tuesday Grandma, Grandpa, Megan, Emily and I headed up to Park Meadows Mall to shop while Chris and the boys headed to the airport to pick up Ryan, Katie and Brian.  Then we met at Torchy’s for lunch.  Love Torchy’s and those fried avocado tacos.  So fun to have Ryan and Katie here!!





After lunch Chris, Ryan, Katie, Emily, Megan and I headed over to the Denver Temple while Grandma, Grandpa, Brian, Luke and Matt did a little shopping.  First time that the four oldest have been to the temple together. Such a great afternoon. : )

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Tuesday night we ate White Chili Bean Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, put up the downstairs Christmas tree and then watched Crazy Rich Asians – which was fine.  So fun to be downstairs watching movies together with the tree all lit.  I love it!  After the movie Brian introduced us to his Nintendo SWITCH and we played the game – OVERCOOKED.  It was pretty hysterical.  Loved watching Chris, Brian, Ryan and Katie work on cooking things together.  The commentary was pretty funny.  “I need another onion!”  “Somebody wash the dish!”  “You chop the tomato!”  When I tried to play I could hardly get my guy to the right place.  It was pretty silly.

Chris and I stayed up late talking about the Boise job and Chris told me he’s been feeling like we needed to stay in Colorado Springs for almost a week now.  We had a great talk. 

Wednesday was Luke’s 11th birthday!!  Chris, Ryan and kids put up the Christmas lights in the morning… a beautiful day to do it.

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In the afternoon Luke opened his presents (more details in his birthday post). Fun to have Grandma and Grandpa and Brian here to celebrate with us.

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We ate tacos, watched Antman and the Wasp and then had brownies and ice cream.  The movie was funny.   We really enjoyed it. : )

Thursday was Thanksgiving.  We spent most of the day cooking!!!   The kids worked on Gratitude lists and munched on appetizers.  Grandma made this cute turkey cheeseball.

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Love these three girls back together.

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Time to eat!

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 The menu:

  • Cheeseball and Crackers
  • Brei Cheese, Pepper Jelly and Crackers
  • Vegetables and Hummus
  • Grapes

  • Pear and Mandarin Orange Salad with Blueberry Dressing
  • Turkey
  • Potatoes and Gravy
  • Creamed Corn
  • Chris Ruth Sweet Potato Casserole
  • Rolls

  • Peanut Butter pie (2)
  • Raisin Pie
  • Cherry Cream Pie
  • Hot apple crisp with vanilla ice cream (Jacksons)

The Jacksons came over to help us eat our dessert.  Grandpa played a game of Oh Heck with the kids and then after we ate the adults played.   When they left Chris and I watched Mama Mia 2 with the girls.  It was Katie’s MUST DO on her Thanksgiving Wish List.  We really enjoyed it – especially watching it with Katie and Emily who practically had the whole thing memorized. 

Friday was such a fun Black Friday Shopping Day.  Usually we’re on vacation and NOT shopping so this was a real treat.  We took all the girls and headed down to the Shops of Briargate.  We shopped for a couple of hours and then headed back home for seconds of Thanksgiving Dinner.  Then Mom and I headed out for round two.  : ) 



Luke loves watching whatever Grandpa is watching – it might be airplane crashes.

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Lots of  games! We watched the Christopher Robin movie and it was really good.  We loved all the characters and their familiar lines.  Ryan and Katie especially thought they were reliving their childhood.  Cute!   We also played a new game of Brian’s which was fun.

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Saturday we started the day with a big buttermilk waffle and fruit breakfast and then we gathered our kids for a Johnson Family Council.  We opened a discussion about the pros of staying here in Colorado Springs and the pros of moving to Boise and we let all the kids explain their feelings about both options. Then we got out the family timeline to look at when Chris would retire and how old the kids would be.  Fun stuff.   Then Chris and I explained our feelings about the retirement that we would lose if we moved and our feeling of peace to stay here.  I was impressed with how all the kids felt good about our decision but would just as easily been excited to move.  When I said, “Matt, we’ve decided to stay in Colorado Springs.”   he shouted, “YES!!!!”  Then I asked, “Oh, so you wanted to stay more than move?” and he replied “No, I just decided to be happy about whatever decision it was.”  What great kids we have.  We feel at peace about our decision – feels good to just feel like myself again.  I love that my Dad snapped a picture of us.  He loves our timeline – his idea of course!


Saturday afternoon we went to Luke’s indoor soccer game and then my Mom and I did Hobby Lobby.  Then we all met at Mod Pizza for an early dinner.  Love that place.


Then home for board games and the BYU/Utah game.  We started so great!  By halftime we were up 20-0 and then they ended up winning. : (  Such a depressing ending.  Luke was crying when we finished. 

Sunday Grandma, Grandpa, Brian, Ryan and Katie left for Provo after 9:00 Sacrament Meeting at the Pine Creek Ward.  It was so fun to have them here!! 
