Trip to Pick up Ryan - Cinque Terre, Italy

We drove from our newly explore hilltop town to Riomaggiore - the most southern of the five Cinque Terre towns.

Chris started to worry as we approached the city and cars were parked along the side of the road filling every empty spot. He had done some looking online about a parking garage but it was all full.

We ended up unloading the luggage and Ryan and I waited with it while Chris drove up the hillside looking for somewhere to park. The only place he found was a place with a sign just for buses. He parked there anyway and ran a mile or two back down the hillside.

I just had to take a picture of my luggage tag. Cinque Terre is my happy place! So glad to be back here. We gathered our luggage (so much because of all Ryan’s mission luggage that we didn’t want to leave in the car) and headed down to the main area of town. With careful emailed instructions and 11 pictures we found each new direction up paved roads, down alleyways, through a gate, down stairs, along a ridge, into a lone building on a cliff, and up 4 flights of stairs. It was QUITE the task getting all that luggage up there. I followed and took pictures but the muscle men did all the work.

The apartment was great, nice and air conditioned, but the view was what really made it special. We opened the green shutters to reveal the most amazing view of the city and the blue Mediterranean Sea.

We could see from the windows that people were cliff jumping down by the harbor so the boys changed into their swimming suits and headed down. I didn’t change into my suit and regretted it as soon as I got there. It looked so refreshing.

We ate a late lunch/early dinner at a place in town that served four cheese pizza for Chris (his favorite), lasagna for Ryan and salad for me. Really good. Then we picked up some gelato and headed back to our apartment to play Istanbul and constantly stare out our windows to enjoy the view. We even saw a few fireworks which was fantastic.

We started our day at 6:20am. We were anxious to start our hike before the temperatures were too hot and the crowds were too thick. We got ready for the day, grabbed our fruit from the market and headed to the pathway from the first to second city only to find it closed. With a 2010 Rick Steven book we hadn’t come across that info. Frustrated we looked up info that the first TWO trails were closed. Chris figured out how to buy train tickets and off we went getting off at Corniglia.


We bought our hiking tickets and took the bus up to the city, perched high above the water. The town was empty - a few Italian ladies saying hi to each other and a delivery truck unloading the fresh fruit for the market. We stopped in and picked up a few lemon croissants and ate them in the square. Then we wandered through the streets before starting the 1 1/2 hour hike to Vernazza.

The trail was mostly shaded and was just beautiful. We walked along the coast under the canopy of trees and up and down stone steps and pathways. It was breathtaking. Views of the cities are my favorite. This is my happy place. Every view was just amazing.

Loving the views in every direction!


What a view as we approached the city. Seriously, what a cool place to live.

We descended into Vernazza at 10:00 am. People were scattered throughout the square and even swimming in the boat harbor - but not too many. We sat on a bench to eat a few more things and then walked over to where the waves were crashing onto the steps. Ryan and then Chris sat on a rock close to the water and awaited the splash. It was really fun. We couldn’t help but watch Chris get pummeled over and over again.

Next to the dock we saw local teens jumping in and then waiting for the rise of the waves to get them back up to the dock again — up and down at least 6 feet! It was impressive albeit a little dangerous too. Chris and ryan decided they didn’t want to miss out and dived into the tumultuous waves. They bobbed up and down with the water until they could grab onto the stairs on the side to climb out. They loved it. It was a fun couple of hours.

At 12:00 the sun was at full strength and i couldn’t believe the amount of people that wee in the city. Insane! Never go to Italy in August! ; ) It’s like going to Disneyland over Spring Break.


Such a gorgeous coastline. Just love that rocky coast and turquoise water to the right and the views of Vernazza to the left as hiked on!

The hike from Vernazza to Monterosso is the most up and down and I immediately struggled. Not quite better from being sick, it was hard to have strength and stamina I needed. The hike is definitely beautiful and I’m glad we could hike into the fifth city. Ryan loved it.

At the 1 hour mark we came across an 80 year old man making and serving fresh orange juice - which of course we tried. The lemonade stand we had visited on our last visit to this city wasn’t in operation.


In Monterosso we went straight to the market for cold water and drank and drank. Such a hot day! Then Chris and I got Armareno gelato and Ryan picked up some yogurt and a pear. We found the tiniest patch of sand to put our towel down and jumped in the Mediterranean Sea to cool off. Then we bought train tickets to head back to Riomaggiore.

Hot, exhausted but hungry, we opted to stop at the same restaurant to eat. Chris ordered the same 4 cheese pizza and Ryan and I shared a Hawaiian pizza and a greek salad. I ever ordered a Fanta - one more before we leave Europe!

We headed back to the apartment and welcomed the air conditioning. We showered, started to pack and then played another couple games of Istanbul. At 8:20 I decided we needed on more walk through the town. We explored new streets and stairways, which was really fun. Sure love the Cinque Terre.

The apartment we rented is that peach building with green shutters in the center of the picture. See those white clothes hanging on the line? Those are ours. Our apartment had a washer but no dryer so we are living like the locals. Love this little town.

Love this man!

This was the last night of our trip. Early in the morning we walked our luggage up the street, Chris ran up to get the car and drove back down to load it up and we headed to the airport in Milan. Then we flew from Milan to Philadelphia and Philadelphia to Denver — exhausted but happy to be bringing back with us our son! What a memorable trip.

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