Saying Goodbye to Sister Johnson

When you do something once, it’s an event. When you do it twice, it’s tradition. That’s what we talked about when we picked up Sonic milkshakes right after Katie was set apart as a missionary. We took Katie to the Colorado Springs airport this morning. In a way, it seems like we were just here doing this with Ryan - even though that was nearly 3 years ago. Even still I couldn’t help think that I had taken all these pictures before, and that makes me kind of happy. I love that Katie is following in Ryan’s footsteps and serving a mission. I love the tradition of pictures at the Colorado Springs Airport fireplace.


We got to the airport and checked in her luggage and took some time to take pictures.


Love these pictures!

The tears started flowing when each person went in for their last hug. Even watching was pretty tender. We thought we got all the tears done last night, but we didn’t. Plenty more for today.

Love my girl!

We cried watching her walk away. So long Katie girl. We love you!


Katie was picked up at the Salt Lake Airport by Ryan. They had lunch at Zuppa’s in Provo with all the Utah family - Walton and Johnson - and then Ryan drove her to the MTC. They were right in front of the Kirkhams so we have cute video of the drop-off! So fun.

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