Katie's Setting Apart


We had a great last day with Katie. We went through all of her clothes and I ironed piles of them while Emily and Katie packed and organized them. We even watched a Downton Abbey episode while we worked. By 11:00 we had gotten most of her packing done and at that point knew that we were going to be able to fit everything in one large and one small suitcase. Katie and I stopped by the store to see about getting a hard case suitcase, but she ended up picking up some rose gold luggage tags and decided to use the black suitcases - which I think will work well for her.

We spent a couple hours at the Cordera pool with the kids and Grandma and ate cherries and chips in the shade.

After the pool Katie worked on her missionary email list and cute ‘Seven Sisters’ Missionary Journal, and did some more packing. We ate leftovers once Dad got home and then headed to the Stake Center. It was so great visiting with President Lovejoy and President Johnson as we waited for our appointment. Such great men. The first of my emotions surfaced as they talked about what a special occasion this was. President Rogers welcomed us into his office and we all took a seat around the table. He talked for a minute and then invited Chris and I to share some feelings. We both immediately started to cry. Chris went first and shared a great testimony. Then I attempted to speak , looked at Katie and said, “You’re my girl!” I told her I was so proud of her and then bore my testimony of Jesus Christ. The spirit was strong as President Rogers invited Katie to the front and set her apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a beautiful blessing.

As we exited Luke said, “I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much while wearing my suit.” Everyone was quite emotional.

After her appointment we headed over to Sonic for milkshakes officially making it a pre-mission tradition. When we got home we changed and reconvened in the family room to have a family meeting. We even Face Timed Ryan so he could be a part of our special night. Katie shared a few things from her Patriarchal Blessing and then Matt shared his feelings about Katie and then bore his testimony. Luke continued with his thoughts and broke down in complete sobs. Katie hugged him tight. When he gained his composure he bore his testimony as well. Then Megan and then Emily, both in tears. Megan shared that she has felt the Spirit so much more since her week at EFY and Emily thanked Katie for being such a great sister and good example. She also mentioned that it was really neat that President Rogers told her in her setting apart that people in Florida that were praying for her to come even now. Then Ry shared his feelings via Face Time and shared some special memories of this past year with ‘his best friend’. : ) Then Chris and I shared our feelings again - and both included our love for each other. So grateful for the time we had to express such powerful feelings to each other. Grandma added her thoughts and then Katie ran downstairs to hand us each a little card with watercolor picture. So cute. We each read our card aloud and that made us cry even more.

Then Chris gave Katie a blessing, we said family prayer with our family handshake and then we took a selfie of our tear stained faces. Talking afterwards Katie expressed appreciation for having a night like this where we could grow even closer together. It maybe seemed a little dramatic - especially when we will have the opportunity to talk to Katie frequently over the next 18 months - but I’m always so grateful for feeling the Spirit together in such a powerful way.