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School Schedule

Blue Day

  1. AP Environmental Science (Gaskin)

  2. US History (Hogue)

  3. A Capbella —Nuance (Jepsen)

  4. Rocky Mountain High (Lopez)

Green Day

  1. Seminary (Bro. Mahoney)

  2. Honors Pre-Calc (Cornett)

  3. Honors American Lit (Morrill)

  4. Festival Singers — Festies (Jepsen)

Super excited for: festies and hard songs, Nuance, being in HS with Megan

Dreading: taking the SAT and ACT



School Schedule

Blue Day:

  1. Technology for Education (Madril)

  2. AP Human Geography (Brown)

  3. French 2 (Boyczuk)

  4. Health and Wellness (Jubic)

Green Day:

  1. Seminary (Bro. Mahoney)

  2. Fresh Lit and Comp (Mertens)

  3. Biology (Lahiri)

  4. Algebra 1 (Goretski)

Super Excited for: lunch with friends, football games and HS soccer season

Dreading: homework and school



School Schedule

  1. Advisory: Bradi Pelky

  2. Social Studies: Andrea Varga

  3. Language Arts: Denise Huber

  4. Compacted Pre-Algebra (all of 6th Grade Math and half of 7th Grade): Courtney Beatty

  5. Science: Brandi Pelky

  6. Reading Literacy: Terri Inloes

  7. PE: Keith Britton

Super excited for: Having multiple classes and Cross Country

Dreading: Reading and Literacy Classes



This is Matt’s last year in Elementary School and (like his 3rd grade year) he’s at the school by himself. Matthew got Mrs. Craddock for 5th grade. She’s the best, so we are super excited to have her. It’s going to be a great year.


  • 8:35-8:50 Morning work

  • 8:55-9:25 Begin Math

  • 9:30-10:15 Specials (Music, PE, Art, STEAM)

  • 10:20 - 10:50 Math

  • 10:50-11:50 Reading

  • 11:50 -12:15 Writing

  • 12:20 -12:50 Lunch/Recess

  • 12:50 - 1:00 Wriitng

  • 1:00 - 1:45 Social Studies or Chinese

  • 1:45 - 2:30 Small Group

  • 2:35 - 2:55 Second Recess

  • 3:00 - 3:40 Science

  • 3:40 - 3:45 End of Day!

Super excited for: Cross Country, PE, Recess with Anders, (since he was gone at School in the Woods last year)

Dreading: Homework - even though I won’t have that much

My last ‘first day of school’ walk to the Elementary School! Kind of sad. Emily didn’t have school on the first day so she walked down with me and we watched as the classes gathered, everyone did the pledge of allegiance and the principal officially welcomed us for the next school year. I stayed for the entire thing and then Courtney Neilson and I yelled at Matt (and Paige) as they walked in the door. Go Matt! You got this! You’re the man! Wahoo! It embarrassed him just a little.

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