All about May

Mother’s Day

When I got home from Germany Chris and the kids had flowers and a pile of cards waiting for me. I’m so grateful to be wife to Chris and mother to my 6 kids.

Scott’s Ordination

Scott asked Chris to be in the circle as Scott was ordained to the office of a High Priest and set apart to be in the High Counsel. Always so great to be with the Richins.

Cordera Ward Campout

Our ward campout was scheduled for May 17th and this year that was too early. It ended up being quite a cold night with a few flurries on Saturday morning. So fun to be with ward friends but I may have woken up and made a declaration that I would never camp again. Even with my tent heater I was frozen and could hear every branch swaying in the wind. Saturday morning we ate the ward breakfast and then broke camp pretty early so we could make it back for Matt’s pre tryout scrimmage.

The May 21st Snowstorm

Can you believe that just a week before school got out we had a snowstorm. And not just a snowstorm, but a huge school-cancelling snowstorm. Chris couldn’t get out of the driveway, so he shoveled and shoveled and then ended up getting stuck on the road. Our neighbors were so great to help us dig the car out. He knew it was likely he’d get stuck several more times on the road, so he called in and told the department that he couldn’t make it in. Then he helped several neighbors with their driveways and several cars get ‘unstuck’ on the road. What a crazy day — and a crazy winter. So much snow and so many snow days that school had to go all the way to May 31st.

Green Bandana Man

Matt still rockin’ the green bandana from his birthday party!

Emily’s New Short Hair

Emily with her new SHORT haircut. She’s been begging me to cut it short and so I did. Then I took her over to Rose to get the ends done a little better. She likes the change and people tell her she looks a lot older. : )

Keto Cooking

The Keto diet was going strong through the end of May. It was so fun to have Chris’ help in the kitchen. He was pretty involved in shopping and researching meals. Some of the kids favorites was a chicken broccoli cream cheese casserole and a hamburger casserole. Plus peanut butter bars that he made every week. So good!

Emily was a great help too! She was always looking up keto treat ideas on Pinterest. : )

Katie’s Wisdom Teeth

Katie got her wisdom teeth out towards the end of May. Poor girl got pretty swollen but was inventive with her bandana/cool pack idea.

Sunday Ties

Dad helping Matt learn how to tie a tie. It’s one of those ordinary moments in the week that I just love.

4th Grade Project

For Matthew’s 4th Grade Live Museum project he researched and dressed as BOLT from Jamaica - one of the fastest runners in the world. Then he wrote and memorized a speech all about him.

5th Grader

We opted not to go to the ‘5th Grade Continuation’ and instead go to Pride Competitive Soccer Try-outs but we are proud of this kid and all he’s accomplished in 5th grade. So exciting to be finished with Elementary School and moving on to Chinook Trail Middle School next year. Here he is with his School year book and one of his end of the year projects.

8th Grade Gradution

These girls have been the best of friends this year. So grateful they get along so well at school and soccer. Charlee and Bob - headed to 8th Grade Graduation

So proud of Megan this year — Principal’s Honor Roll! Can’t believe she’s done with Challenger and going to be a Freshmen next year.

Brynnley and Megan at Challenger’s 8th Grade Graduation. Love these cute girls.

Last Day of School

Chinook’s Field Day got moved to the last day of school since there was still snow on the grass the previous Friday. It’s a pretty exciting last day of school. I walked down to find the boys in the school fields but they were busy running from activity to activity so I just grabbed one picture of Matt, Ian and Cade.

Happy last day of 4th Grade!

Just a few notes from my phone for - Saturday June 1st

  • I Went to Emery Nielsen’s baptism with Ali

  • Dad took Megan, Luke, Matt, Owen, Anders to the field to play soccer ⚽️ 

  • Emily went to stake choir practice

  • Ate lunch together

  • Packed for Lake Powell, organized mud room 

  • Went to Theurers to try and help them move out of their middle floor 

  • Went to the pool to swim. Nice day

  • Emily went to girls camp musical rehearsal

  • Chris and I made dinner (sausage and cabbage and sweet potatoes 🍠)

  • Took Megan, Luke and Matt to Target and Dicks — water shoes, soccer cleats, Chris new shoes. 

  • Lisa edited pics and blogged. 

  • Kids to bed early

  • Emily at Caroline’s 16th Birthday Party 🥳

  • Tucked in Emily and talked 

Grateful for: 

  • Good friends

  • Chris on the same page

  • Quality Emily time at night 

Just a few notes from my phone for - Sunday June 2nd

  • Stake Conference with visiting 70 - Jose T. Such a great spirit. Fable of the bird 🐦 trading his feathers for worms. 

  • Emily sang in the Stake Choir

  • Folded laundry 🧺 while we watched a ‘Don’t Miss This’ Come Follow Me episode. Parable of the 10 virgins and the Talents.  So good. 

  • Had dinner of salmon, good rice, sweet potatoes and asparagus 

  • Did dishes

  • Did family church - so good. Bore my testimony and cried. Great off topic discussions.

  • Worked on summer points charts and printed them out 

  • Packed for Palm Springs 

  • Drove to the airport and checked in. Flight was cancelled but luckily they arranged for me to fly in to LAX. 

  • Discovered just.ingredients from Mindy Larson - so interesting!

  • Marilee picked me up.  

  • Met Katie at the Christofferson’s. 

Grateful for: 

  • Family church

  • Just.ingredients

  • Open seats on the flight to LAX

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