Phuket - Banana Beach

It was nice to have another lazy day. We slept in, ate breakfast and relaxed by the pool for several hours, rotating from the couches in the shade to the pool, to the lounge chairs in the sun.  It was hard to stay in the sun for very long because of the heat — but I loved every minute of it.

The Black Cat

At 12:30 we decided to venture into town for lunch. We picked the Black Cat which had a large European menu. I got Flamkukken and a really good salad, and Chris got his favorite Massaman Curry of the trip.

Banana Beach

We discovered Banana Beach because of all the cars and scooters parked precariously along the side of the road along a certain dangerous bend. Chris and Jared did a miraculous job of parking in tight quarters and then we hiked down through the trees into what was a beautiful beach cove lined with a Jurassic Park jungle and bordered with rocks and coral on either side. Terri, Jared and Doug immediately rented snorkel gear and were off. The rest of us got in the warm water which was clear enough to see little striped fish swimming as we entered. Missy sat down on a ‘Little Mermaid’ rock and we chatted for a long time.

Chris and I headed into the jungle and found a cool ravine. I just love exploring. 

Doug found a coconut and was determined to open it — and he did, with moral support from Chris and Brian.

At 6:00 we left and headed to a big grocery store to pick up some things for dinner at home. Strangely we hadn’t seen this part of town before and it was shockingly nice. Usually we were picking up a few things at the 7-Eleven. We did enter one 7-Eleven competitor called ‘super cheap’ but it smelled like nasty fish so we tried to stay clear of that one. Our newly discovered large grocery store had SO many American products. They were just so expensive we couldn’t buy them.  Like Mini Wheats for 350 baht ($10). We picked up ingredients for some expensive guacamole and headed back to the house for one last swim, a shower and then a late dinner. Another great day.