Phuket - The Phi Phi Islands

We woke up early and the maids made us omelettes with avocado and fresh pineapple and mango, which was delicious. We got ready for our boat excursion, grabbed our bags of laundry and jumped in our cars. The first laundry place was per item so instead of dropping off all of our laundry there, we decided to wash it at home.  But then we found another place that would wash it per kilo so opted for that.

The drive to the pier was long and bumpy and took longer than we thought. Brian and I felt a little sick by the time we got there and little did we know that wasn’t going to change. Our boat ride out to the Phi Phi Island’s was rough. Big waves made for a long choppy trip which made us all feel a little uneasy. Brian got it the worst.

But the Phi Phi islands themselves were pretty miraculous. Just amazing.

We visited several beautiful spots including monkey Island. We then stopped at the main island for an hour to hang out at the beach and swim a little bit. It was too touristy and crowded. Not really what we had in mind. On the way back the waters were much less choppy and we were able to go quick and smooth. Our drivers stopped at a rocky island and we spent an hour snorkeling, which was so fun. We saw some great colorful fish, interesting black and blue furry starfish creatures, and some skinny starfish that Jared and Doug retrieved from the bottom of the rocks. We also swam over a boat shipwrecked on the rocks below. The ride back to the pier was great.

We got back into our cars and headed for home — until Terri saw Monkey Bridge and screamed at us to stop. We pulled over and Terri headed straight for the banana stand conveniently located across the street. She picked up a couple of bunches and headed over to feed the masses. It was fun — especially to spot the little baby clutching on to its mother.

Back in our car we drove straight to Pizza Hut, which after so much Thai food, actually sounded fantastic. And was really good! Back at the house Doug, Chris and I went for a swim in the pool before changing. Then we played a funny game of Tenzi and a game of Code Names. It was a fun day.