Girls Trip - Schwetzingen, Germany

We drove from Dresden to Schwetzingen and got to the Schwetzingen Palace and Gardens as the sun was setting. We purchased our tickets and got in just before they closed the gates. It was fun to walk around - why didn’t I come here more when I lived here?? We wandered the gardens and found beautiful shady pathways under the trees. It was just perfect.

After wandering the gardens we met up with the other carload of girls who had stopped at Heidi’s house to drop off all of our Poland/Seiffen treasures, and then walked towards our FAVORITE restaurant ever. The one we had been to for countless girls lunches when we lived here and the top of the list to revisit on this historic trip back to Heidelberg. We squished around a medium sized round table near the front of the restaurant and ordered our favorite hot salads and they were DELICIOUS.