Girls Trip - Heidelberg, Germany

We pulled into Heidelberg late at night and Heidi and Priscilla dropped us off right in the square in front of the Old Bridge. We dragged our luggage over the cobblestone to Hotel Zur Alten Brucke and then took turns up the little elevator to find our rooms. It is such a fun hotel. Chris and I and the kids stayed here in two rooms when we came three years ago and so when Megan Gillespie asked for suggestions of where to stay I immediately suggested three rooms here. I just love the location and the views are incredible.

Brittany, Melissa and I stayed in a room with a view towards the Old Bridge and Square. Once our luggage was squared away we set off to explore the other rooms by climbing narrow staircases and darkened hallways. Priscilla, Megan and Emma had a fun room with a tall steep staircase to a second bedroom that had the most amazing view of the Heidelberg Castle - all lit up at night. So fun. And Heidi and Mindy had a room with a full living room and the biggest bathroom. We settled in Heidi and Mindy’s ‘living room’ and watched Megan and Mindy dance for us — and of course laughed and laughed.

Our last full day was spent in Heidelberg — and what a great day! Love this city!

It was a cool rainy day but that didn’t stop us from exploring this nostalgic town. We started on the Old Bridge for a few pictures and then headed up to a bakery to grab pretzels for breakfast.

I just love seeing the nutcrackers in so many windows. I ended up picking up the middle red and white nutcracker for my collection. Love that I bought it in my favorite town of Heidelberg. : )

One of the things I had never done was climb the tower in the Heiliggeistkirche - Church of the Holy Spirit. I’m not sure why, maybe it wasn’t open or we just didn’t have time for it — but it has been on my list for a long time! I love climbing towers in every city! Megan, Emma and Priscilla decided to climb with me. I’m so glad it was open. The views were really terrific.

I just love seeing giant Playmobil throughout Germany. : )

We ate lunch at the Goldener Falke along the Haupstrasse. Such great memories of dinners here with Chris and friends — and anyone who came to Germany to visit us. I should have opted for a salad but I couldn’t resist the homemade spaetzle and mushroom sauce. (Yes, I like mushroom sauce even though I despise mushrooms) Megan and I split the plate and then ended up eating some of Brittany’s salad, Heidi’s potato casserole and Emma’s food, which I now can’t remember at all except that it was delicious. We gave Priscilla a bicycle bell to thank her for driving us all around Europe!

After lunch we took off in our separate directions to wander through the streets and shop, shop, shop.

Love this city! We ended the day with cherry gelato and then checked out of the hotel and drove to Heidi’s house in Wiesbaden. Because Heidi is moving from Wiesbaden to Utah in the summer we could leave all of our purchases with her and have them transported via the army. We definitely took advantage of it! On our last night we unpacked all of our treasures and labeled each one so that we could have the army pack them and be able to get them to the right owner back in Utah. It was fun having a ‘show and tell’ since we typically didn’t do that on our other Heidelberg girls trips. We saw things here and there when we were with people making purchases but we definitely hadn’t seen everything. It was really fun. I was happy to see all my purchases — I guess that means I made some good choices. We ate dinner at one of Heidi’s favorite Greek restaurants at a nearby German town. It was fantastic! We sat at the table for hours and laughed and laughed. The waiters were even laughing at us. It was a great trip… love these ladies.