Star Wars Galaxy's Edge

We woke up early, (definitely not enough sleep) ate quickly at the hotel, ran down the street (in the rain), waited to enter Disneyland and then waited again at the end of Main Street. But it was worth it! When they opened the gates we made our way to Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge and ran straight to the ride: Smugglers Run. There’s no fast pass for this ride so getting here early in the morning is the only way to avoid a 1.5 - 2 hour wait! We pretty much walked right onto the ride. Even running down the authentic hallways was pretty cool. We each took a turn flying the Millennium Falcon - which was so fun. Ryan and Luke were the pilots, Matt and James were the Gunner’s and Dad and I were Engineers in the back. The boys loved it!

When we got out of the ride we hung out by the Millennium Falcon and watched Chewy and Rey as they wandered around. Chris and I were lucky enough to meet Rey and just then Chewy came up. Rey told him that we were just doing some facial scans and that he could join them. It was pretty great.

The Waltons bought some Blue milk and we got some Green milk to try as we were walking around.

Matthew with R2D2 in the Droid Shop.

It was so fun to walk around Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge — especially this area filled with cool shops. Star wars clothing (costumes), pets (stuffed animals) artwork and toys. Really fun stuff. I just loved all the details.

The Waltons and Emily and Megan took off to another area of Disney but my boys and I stayed in Galaxy’s Edge and discovered another section filled with spaceships. Eventually Chewy and Rey made their way over to one of the ships and started a thorough examination. Apparently it needed fixing. Smoke came out of one of the engines and frustrated, Chewy grabbed his tools to start working on it. It was so cool that ALL of the shop workers and everyone is completely in character all of the time. So fun! And what perfect timing to have spaceships flying overhead right as we took a picture. Magical.

The highlight for Luke was making his very own lightsaber - which was a birthday present from Dad and I. He was able to take two people in with him: Ryan and Matthew. Luke got a special pin which signified which type of lightsaber he wanted. He picked Elemental Nature - ‘this theme embodies the Force — an energy created by all living things, like Brylark trees, Cartusion whale bones and Rancor teeth.’ Once inside he was given an Elemental Nature kit and was able to choose which pieces he wanted in order to create his own hilt. Then they ceremoniously added the light crystal and completed the lightsaber. What a fun experience for all of them. They LOVED it!

While the boys were inside making Luke’s lightsaber Chris and I waited outside in the sun — which felt SO good. Stormtroopers headed up the street and after I pulled my camera up to take a picture, one of the storm troopers came right up to me asking what I was doing and giving me a warning that ‘this is how to get your data pad confiscated.’ It was pretty funny.

Earlier, when I had asked a store worker where to go to make a lightsaber, she quickly responded, “Careful! Are you trying to get me killed? There are stormtroopers all over the place!” Then she leaned in and said ‘If you are looking for — scrap metal — then go right next door to Savi’s Workshop.” Love it.

A few more pictures of lightsabers and spaceships on our way out.