
The day before Thanksgiving

…was a cold wet day but we headed to Disney anyways with layers of sweatshirts and rain jackets on to keep us warm. We started at the Magic Kingdom and literally ran onto rides over and over again as it POURED rain. So much rain. Rain = no camera out to take pictures, but short short lines. Early in the afternoon the clouds parted and we could see blue sky. Time to head over to California Adventure.

Because of the rain there weren’t very many characters out, but when we saw Buzz we decided to get some pictures AND take off our layers of sweatshirts to show off our Mickey tee’s.

Buzz was so confused as to why the girls would have jeans that were all ripped up. It was pretty funny.

Still freezing we took a few more pictures before bundling back up. So grateful it’s not raining though!

Back again with Woody, Bo Peep and Buzz. Buzz taking it upon himself to try and cover up Megan’s ripped jeans. : )

Boy do we love this ride!!! Everyone except Megan. It’s really well done!!

Once it got dark we headed over to Panera Bread for dinner… it’s tradition! Then back to the Magic Kingdom where we watched a little bit of Fantasmic and headed on some more rides.

In the shops on Main Street to look at everything on our way out. I held up the phone for a picture and they secretly agreed not to smile. I didn’t even notice - which they thought was so funny.

Seeing Mickey was the perfect way to end the night.

Even on this rainy day we logged 29,774 steps… a total of 14.6 miles… and climbed 20 flights of stairs… according to Chris’ Apple Watch.

Thanksgiving Day

So… when Dan and Sarah heard that we were headed to Disney over Thanksgiving he called me and asked if they could join us. Totally! Dan suggested that it be a surprise for our kids - which was SO fun. They checked into our hotel - walking distance from Disneyland - and we planned a time to meet up at breakfast ready to read to the park. Our timing was exact. We were headed down to the lobby on different elevators and their’s opened up just seconds before ours. Chris had the video camera ready. Several of the kids just walked out of the elevator and bypassed them but Megan noticed. Wait. What? and immediately started giving hugs. Then everyone else recognized them. It was fun to have a surprise. We ate breakfast together and then stood in the lobby staring out into the rain. It wasn’t just raining, it was POURING. The minute we would step outside we would be soaked. Here we go. We stopped in the pharmacy next door to grab umbrellas and continued on our way.

Despite the rain we had fun. We rode rides (don’t ride the Incredi-coaster in the rain - Ouch! ), met characters, went to shows and shopped.

Dan snapped this pic of Chris and I waiting for the kids doing the Incredible-Coaster.

Dan and kids rode the Grizzly Rapids. They were already soaked so I guess why not get drenched. The wait time was a whole 0 minutes.

While they were riding more rides I headed home to get warm and dry and take a nap. Love having our hotel just walking distance away. Chris and the kids eventually made their way back to the hotel. I don’t know how they lasted so long completely soaked! They showered and got some warm clothes on and we headed out to meet up with Dan and Sarah and find somewhere to eat for dinner. That proved harder than I thought it would be. Lots of restaurants were closed since it was Thanksgiving. We ended up at TGIFridays. The meal was great and it was really fun to just relax and talk. It ended up being a great evening. Happy Thanksgiving!

The kids were anxious to head back to the park, so Dan and I bundled up and took them back for a couple hours. It was really fun!

We logged 17,541 steps. 8.44 Miles and 12 flights of stairs.

The Day After Thanksgiving

We woke up early and headed straight for Stars Wars Land, which was awesome! (See separate post) and then continued with other fun things in both Magic Kingdom and California Adventure. As promised we got some Mickey bread and Ghirardelli’s ice cream sundae’s for lunch. So good!

It was fun to head into Cars Land and wander around. The kids did the Mater ride and then we all did the big Radiator Springs Racers - which is really fun.

So nice to have a clear day with no rain!

We did the Incredible-Coaster again and again, and enjoyed the Pixar area until it got dark.

It was definitely a memorable three days at Disney!

Today we logged 28.486 steps. 13.96 miles and 18 flights of stairs.