Fall Soccer Season - Bob, Luke and Matt - and Broken Collarbone

Soccer Journal ⚽️

August 17th 

  • We’re sitting at the pride fields at 8:40 and the fields are filled with red and white uniformed soccer players. It’s the unofficial start to the season with inter- club scrimmages before next week’s games. Matt’s team is playing Red 09 girls and they are taking turns helping the girls team to even things out. Matt has scored a goal as forward and is now playing Center D. Fun to see all the parents cheering and the kids running hard. Fun to be a soccer mom. 

  • 2:46 now we’re at Megan’s Scrimmage against the boys supplemental team and the girls are doing well. She’s scored once already. Chris is holding the big umbrella up and we’re enjoying the shade and breeze on this hot 85 degree day. 

  • Luke’s Scrimmage at 11:30 turned into a team half field scrimmage since the other team didn’t show up - which was too bad. Fun to see Ali and Pete, Saralyn, Courtney Nielson and Kim Jester on the fields today. 

August 24th

  • First game of the season. Megan had her first game at El Pomar at 2:00. Dad was on call, but managed to make it over to most of her game but missed her score within minutes of starting. It was a hot humid day, but the girls played so well. And Megan was phenomenal putting herself in the right places and doing some great passes. Dad was so impressed. Dan, Charlee‘s dad, even came up to her and said I think that’s the best game I’ve ever seen you play! She scored once but made a lot of things happen. They ended up winning 4 to 0. 

  • As soon as she was done we headed over to the Pride field to watch the very end of Luke’s game. (3:30). He did great but they ended up tying one to one. Emily had driven Luke to the field before his game and then dropped off Matt and picked up Megan. So grateful for her as a driver. 

  • Dad meet us at the field to watch Matt play at 5:00pm. He did great as well. It’s fun to be getting to know some of the other parents and having everyone cheer Matt’s name. He played forward the whole time. 

September 7

  • Chris and I are in Knoxville with Adam and Marilee Having a great time at the BYU game. Unfortunately this week was kind of crazy for the kids soccer and we had to arrange rides for all three out of town games. Megan had a game down in Pueblo and got a ride with Charlee. They won 5-1 and Megan scored a goal. 

  • Luke Had a game up in Denver and got a ride from Nathan’s mom. They lost 0-2. 

  • Matt had a game up in Denver and got a ride with Jonathan’s mom, Nicole. They lost 1-9. Yikes. 

September 10

  • Bob played a scrimmage game against the anglers team with Kate Murdock and Lizzy Richins. It’s fun to play against them. Bob’s team won 3 to 0 and Megan scored a goal. 

September 14

  • The only game we had today was Matt’s game at the Pride field at 10:00. Unfortunately Matt got cut really bad on his right shin on Thursday night so he was out for Friday’s practice and today’s game. They tied 2-2. 

September 21

  • Megan and Matt and I headed up to Thornton at 10:30 this morning. 

  • Matt played up in Thornton at 12:45 and did really well considering his cut is still healing. It was a close exciting game for the first half. 2-2 Then in the second half the other team scored 3 more times and we even though Matt made several good things happen we just couldn’t score. Exciting game though. 

  • Megan, Matt and I headed to Pei Wei for lunch (Matt’s Choice) and then over to Megan’s game in Denver. 

  • The wind picked up and Matt and I sat cuddled in a blanket to watch her game.  It was pretty tense game and they scored within the last 3 minutes to finish in a tie, which was pretty exciting - although Coach Ted was pretty upset about it.  Bob played well, made a lot of great crosses and scored a goal. We got home about 8:15. Long day. 

Love this series of pictures showing how speedy Bob is.

September 24

  • Bob played a scrimmage game with the anglers junior and Senior team and beat them 5-0. So fun to watch. The whole team played so well. Great passing. This I was the first game bob didn’t score but she did great and ended in defense. At the very end Char played forward and scored and was pretty excited about it. 

September 28

  • Well it finally feels like a fall Saturday morning. It’s an overcast day with thick low fog in the air and parents bundled in blankets on the sidelines. Bob got a ride with Alaina down to El Pomar at 7:45am. Chris is working nights this week so he slept at the hospital and headed to El Pomar to watch Megan play. 

  • I’m with Luke at the Pride fields this morning. 

October 2

  • Megan, Luke, Matt and Dad were playing soccer outside and Dad tripped Megan causing her to fall and break her collarbone. She heard a crack and couldn’t get up from the ground. Dad was immediately worried since Megan is pretty tough. Dad and I took her over to the urgent care and talked to Travis on the phone to set up an appointment for the next morning. Poor Girl. She’s out for the rest of the season. Nice of her friends, Romney and Owen to come visit her and bring her treats.

October 5

  • No games today - that worked out nicely since we enjoyed General conference together and then Chris and I left for the airport to fly to Portugal! 

October 12

  • Dad and I are in Portugal this Saturday having a blast! Grandma Johnson is there with the kids. Megan got a ride with Charlee to watch her team win 6-0. 

  • Courtney Nielsen took Luke up to Boulder and they got creamed but she told me later that Luke did really well. 

  • Grandma took Matt to his game at the Pride Field At 2:15 and they lost 6-1. Matt assisted he goal. 

October 19

  • Dad took Matthew up to Boulder for his game. 

  • I’m at Pride with Luke wrapped up in a blanket and sitting with Courtney. At half time they are losing 4-3 but are making some great plays. Now it’s tied. 

October 25

  • Megan went with Bob to their last game of the season and cheered them on as they won 6-0. They took a team picture and Megan took off her brace to be a part of it. 

  • Chris took Luke up to Arvada for his game at 2:00. At the half they were winning 2-0 and Chris sent a text saying Luke was playing well. Just before the end of the second half the other team scored twice, tying it up. Darn. 

  • I took Matt up to Dove Valley to play with the United team. The coach asked Matt to practice with them this week too, which was great. They put him in defense the whole time and he did ok, but not great, but he’s used to playing forward so it’s such a different set of skills. We’ll see what happens. 

November 2

  • Dad, luke, Matt and I drove up Thornton for Luke’s last game of the season. It’s 48° but at least the sun is shining. Because the field is turf the snow has been removed from the field but it sits in piles everywhere else. Chris and I sit bundled in blankets but Matt practices his juggling. We scored three goals to their zero in the first half and then in the second half they tied it up. Another tie. 

  • After the game we headed to Torchy’s for tacos. Yum.

Lisa JohnsonMegan, Luke, MattComment