

The Primary was in charge of the trunk or treat this year - on Tuesday, October 29th. Monday we had had a huge blizzard and consequently had a snow day. Tuesday we were surprised that we had a full day of school. The snowfall had stopped but the conditions were just as bleak... overcast with sub-freezing temperatures. "8 degrees but "feels like -15 degrees" Yikes. Ali picked me up and we loaded all of my pumpkins and decor into her truck and headed to the church to decorate for the Trunk or Treat. Even while we were there we were second guessing our decision to go ahead with the Party. A snow storm was headed our way coming in at noon and snowing continuously all through the night. We began to decorate... orange table clothes, a square of black and white buffalo check wrapping paper, and a white balloon tied to a small pumpkin. And then my bats up all over the walls. It was simple and cute. We also set up a 'picture backdrop' and asked Brother Rasmussen to take pictures for us - which was great. We conferred with several other members of the ward council and decided that the party was a go -- and hoped people would come out if they felt ok about driving. When I got home from decorating Chris woke up and we headed to Costco to grab a few groceries and then to Hobby Lobby to pick up shirts and white sticky foam for M&M shirts -- which I put together as soon as I got home. The kids loved them -- They were fun to wear. Dad wore a green one too (matching Megan) since there wasn't a brown T-shirt there. I made some potato onion chowder and we headed to the church by 5:30 to help with final touches for the Ward Party. The turnout was incredible. Everyone was there and we had several comments that people really liked the trick or treating inside the hallways. This way so many people stayed to visit. It was definitely a success.

A Pair of Ronaldos

When Matt heard Anders was being Ronaldo for Halloween, he wanted to jump on board too. He picked out a red Portugal jersey — which went perfectly with the soccer ball Chris and I had brought home from Portugal.

Love these best friends! It’s pretty funny to see Anders wearing blue and Matthew wearing red! But I guess it is Halloween.

Love their Ronaldo pose!

Halloween Party

We held our 6th annual Crockpot Soup and Trick or Treating Party on Halloween night. This year we had the Boss family, the Roy family, the Theurer family, the Jackson family, the Nielson family, the Kinnard family, the Hale family, and the Sidwell family come over for crockpot soups and bread. The Hatch Family and my friend Teresa came over to get ready for trick or treating. It was so fun to chat with everyone. At 6:00 I took a picture of the crew and then off they went in search of candy. Matt, Anders and Cade in the lead. Cade's costume was an inflatable octopus and watching him shuffle to try and keep up with Matt and Anders was pretty funny. He eventually ditched his costume since it was slowing them all down.

Dad and I were at home for a half hour by ourselves, passing out candy and finally getting a bowl of soup. Then people with little kids headed back and some stayed to chat and have a pumpkin bar and carmel apple cider. The Theurers and Megan Jackson sat on the couch and we talked and then watched a funny Jim Gaffigan bit about getting your appendix removed -- which we wanted to show Megan. We laughed and laughed. Good times.

Winnie the Pooh Gang

Gavin, Eli, and the girls were anxious to have Luke join them for trick or treating and wanted him to be Roo. With the help of a willing mom they made a last minute run to Target to get supplies to make his ears and Sister Hale lent him a big brown furry suit. It worked out great. This is definitely a fun group! I was glad they made an appearance at our house during their trick or treating. When I told them to gather together for a picture, Gavin said, “Luke’s mom is all about the picture!” Yep. They hung out for awhile and had pumpkin bars and apple cider.