Luke's 12th Birthday


  1. Peanut Butter Pie

  2. Frozen 2 with Theurers and Jacksons

  3. Pokemon Switch game from Ryan

  4. Blue and White checkered vans from Mom and Dad

  5. Snow Day on Friday!

  6. Blue Vans shirt from Owen who dropped it off right before I opened my presents.

  7. Three new sweatshirts Mom and Dad bought at Old Navy the day after my birthday.

  8. Quiksilver shirt from Mom and Dad

  9. Packing for the trip to Disney!

  10. Big comfy socks from Grandma and Grandpa Walton

  11. Phone calls with Ryan, Grandma and Grandpa Walton and Grandma Johnson

  12. Lots of Herseys!! from Matthew and from the Jacksons!

  13. Cards from Siblings

  14. LIGHTSABER making at Disneyland!! from Mom and Dad

  15. Coupon to go to Coldstone with Emily and Megan

  16. Mini blow dryer to do my hair!!

  17. Sunday shoes and belt

  18. Friends singing happy birthday to me on my birthday at school

  19. Costa Vida with friends after Frozen 2

  20. All the love from everyone.

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