Treasure Island Park and 1,000 Steps Beach

Treasure Island Park

We had never been to Newport Beach and I was pretty excited to check out these gorgeous coastal views. We got a list of fun ideas from Dan and Sarah and looked for recommendations online too.

The temperature was pretty great. Cool but nice. The skies were blue and the sun was in and out — but mostly out. We drove south on Highway 1 past Laguana Beach to Treasure Island Park. Beautiful trails along the rocky ridge above the beach and a stairwell heading down to the sand.

The kids immediately wanted to get their feet wet and headed straight for the waves. And I just love that we are currently missing quite a large Colorado blizzard.

My favorite part was exploring the rocky shore and tunnels with views of nearby beaches.

1,000 Steps Beach

Further down the coastline we stopped and decided to hike down 125ish steps to 1,000 Steps Beach.

It was fun to walk along the water and gaze up at the old and new mansions sitting along the cliffs. Beautiful area.

This time even the girls got into their bathing suits determined to make it into the water. Chris was content in his shorts and t-shirt sitting on the rocks and I was happy in my jeans and light sweatshirt.

Then back up the stairs and back to the Resort for lunch.