Luke's 6th Grade Cross Country Season

First Race - at Elizabeth High School

This course is known to be quite the beast. They run off the field and down onto some trails - some of which are small pebbles or sand. So hard to run on. We stood on the bleachers to watch them all start the race and then headed down to the field to watch them come in.

We couldn’t really see them running mid race so imagine our surprise to find Luke the first one to turn the corner for the last stretch. SO SO EXCITING to watch this boy place FIRST. Love that you can see Megan and Matt on the sidelines cheering him along as he passed.

This was a brutal race and Luke could feel it. As soon as he crossed the finish line he crumbled to the ground in pain. It took a few minutes and a glass of water to gain some strength again. Wow. Way to go, Luke!

We enjoyed his victory as a family. Fun to have Ryan here for this race too. (Immediately after running we got in our already packed van and headed to Utah for the weekend.)

Gavin placed pretty well too. I think 14th. So glad to have these best friends in Cross Country together.

Second Race - at Chinook Trail Middle School

These boys were pretty pumped up about this race - especially since it was at their own school. Gavin came home with Luke after school, had a snack and then were anxious to head down early. Love these two!

It was a great race. Luke came in SECOND place. First place from our school. So proud of him!

Third Race - at Chinook Trail Middle School

The third race was actually a sort of make-up. The 6th graders were officially invited so Coach Holk decided the 6th graders needed another official race. It was just our school and because of heavy winds it was a hard race. Everyone’s times were worse. I think Nathan took first and Luke took second. Still, so good!

Final Race

The final cross country race was a difficult one as well, ending with a steep incline to get back onto the track. Luke did SO WELL. It was fun to cheer him on!

Matt - cheering from the sideline. Next year he will be running with Chinook Trail Middle as well!

It was a great race! Wyatt came in 2nd, Luke came in 3rd and Nathan came in 4th. Love that he has such a great group of boys to train and race with. Since this was the last race of the season, we gathered around for an award’s ceremony. Luke received a 6th Grade 3rd place ribbon for this specific race. Coach Holk was certain that CTMS would win FIRST PLACE for our 6th Cross Country Team but unfortunately they only gave trophies to the 7th and 8th Grades and didn’t honor any of the 6th grade teams. We were disappointed but she pulled the team members aside and told them how proud she was of them. It really was a great season.

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