Annual Guilt Free Golf trip to St. George

Our St. George guilt free golf trip has been a tradition since 2003. Not everyone was able to participate in the early years as Doug spent 3 years living in England and Jared and I both spent 3 years living in Germany. Pete usually had to make the long trip from Kentucky - although that was finally rectified in 2019. We haven’t missed a year since Jared moved back to the states in 2014 and I don’t see anyone missing this in the future. In fact, the discussion now is how do we make this happen at least twice a year?

We all became acquainted in 1998 when we moved to Maryland for medical school. Brian Breinholt and Jared Chugg moved into the Montgomery Village Ward at the same time we did. Pete Curran and Doug White were already friends in the Ward. We all served together in the Young Mens program during our time there and became great friends. We didn’t really spend much time golfing in those years, however. That came later after we all started living far away from each other.

In the early years, we would stay at Jared’s Mom’s house. We have used my parents house since 2014. The length of the trip has also increased over the years. We now play 18 holes the days we fly in and fly out and 36 holes every day in between. Just about everyone has had a chance to win the trip as the best overall score over the years, but Doug is now on a long winning streak since 2015.

September 2005

September 2019


2019 Standings

  1. Doug 85.1

  2. Pete 89.5

  3. Brian 90.2

  4. Chris 91.8

  5. Jared 94.1

2018 Standings

  1. Doug 85.5

  2. Chris 86.6

  3. Jared 87.9

  4. Brian 90.6

  5. Pete 91.8

2017 Standings

  1. Doug 83.3

  2. Chris 86.9

  3. Jared 87.9

  4. Pete 88.6

  5. Brian 90.2

2016 Standings

  1. Doug 84.2

  2. Chris 85.8

  3. Brian 89.8

  4. Pete 90.7

2015 Standings

  1. Doug 88.1

  2. Jared 89.4

  3. Chris 90.3

  4. Pete 91.4

  5. Brian 93.6

2008 Standings

  1. Chris 90.0

  2. Jared 92.5

  3. Pete 93.7

  4. Brian 95.8

2007 Standings

  1. Pete 89.7

  2. Chris 91.6

  3. Jared 92.0

  4. Brian 97.7

2006 Standings

  1. Pete 92.9

  2. Jared 94.3

  3. Chris 95.6

  4. Brian 96.3

October 2018

April 2018

October 2017

October 2016

October 2015

September 2014

September 2007

September 2006

September 2005

October 2003