Matt's Scar

Megan texted me a gory picture of Matt’s leg while I was driving Luke and friends home from soccer. Emily and Megan had gone to a Pine Creek Football game and took Matt with them. Now they were in the Pine Creek nurses office with Matthew who had cut his leg pretty badly after running around the fields and tripping into a big round cement hole nearly scrapping all the skin off his shin. The nurse bandaged it up and when I got home we found him recovering on the couch. The wound was pretty deep but there wasn’t enough skin to pull together to stitch anything up. It almost looked like a spoonful of his leg was gone. He retold the story of his injury and we told him how sorry we were that he wouldn’t be able to run in his first Cross Country Meet of the season - which was the next day. That’s when the tears came. He clearly couldn’t even walk but it hadn’t occurred to him that he wouldn’t be able to run.

Chris woke up to attend to Matt in the night when he cried out in pain with blood all over his sheets. Chris rewrapped it and gave him some medicine. He didn’t go to school the next day. And any time he tried to hobble around, his wound only bled more so we confined him to the couch. He was a good sport about it but he was sad to miss soccer practice, soccer games and cross country meets for a week.

Friday and Saturday he watched movies and read on the couch. On Sunday he made it to church and we brought a chair for him to rest his leg on. His friends, Anders and Cade helped him to class by supporting him on both sides. Love those boys. Monday he headed back to school with instructions to have his leg elevated. Mrs. Craddock was so sympathetic and he got lots of extra attention. He was on strict instructions to avoid recess but he may have invented a ‘walk only’ tag so he could hobble around and participate.

He wore a large bandage and wrapped it with gauze several times a day for weeks. 8 weeks later the wound is almost healed. He’s going to have a pretty fantastic scar though.

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