Tennessee Trip - Day in Nashville

Union Station

Chris and I flew into Nashville on Thursday night and took an Uber from the airport to our hotel, the very cool Union Station Hotel — which used to be the Nashville train station. It was a really fun place to stay.

In the morning we got ready and met Adam and Marilee in the lobby. Love these friends - so good to be together again.

Loveless Cafe

The Loveless Cafe is located in Southwest Nashville —and is especially known for it’s southern cooking, biscuits and jams. Sounded like the perfect place for breakfast. We wandered through the gift shop and grounds while waiting for our table.

Adam really hoped we’d get a southern lady with a thick accent who called us ‘hon’ and said y’all — but we didn’t. Still, our waiter had worked there for 14 years, was definitely southern and listened in to our conversations so he could insert his two cents right at the perfect time. It was pretty funny. He was great and the food was delicious. Biscuits and jam for all of us. Then french toast for me a pork omelet for Chris. A great way to start the day!

Grand Ole Opry House

Next stop was the Grand Ole Opry. We opted out of the back stage tour but It was still fun to walk around and explore, check out the gift shop, see all the posters and of course try on some matching jean jackets with serious fringe. Marilee bought a super cute t-shirt and then we wandered through the Gaylord Opryland Resort - which was pretty cool.

The Seigenthaler Bridge

We drove back into the city, parked on the other side of the Cumberland River and then walked over the Seigenthaler Bridge for a better look of downtown. Beautiful pedestrian bridge and and a great view of the city. The humidity doubled from breakfast to bridge - hence the mandatory 7-11 stop for drinks.

Draper James

One of the highlights of the day was checking out Reese Witherspoon’s store called Draper James. It was so cute, so southern and so fun! Marilee and I had a great time picking up a few things including ‘tailgates and touchdown’ shirts for both of us! The boys were good sports to let us hang out for so long.


I Believe in Nashville

This sign on 12th Avenue by Draper James is just the best! We had lots of fun taking pictures here.

Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream

— and then we walked down the street to get ice cream from Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream — Salted caramel and chocolate for me — and sat in a corner chatting about everything. Love this whole street!

The Listening Room

Friday night we met up with Caroline and John Anderson (Abby’s parents) at the Listening Room Cafe. The Andersons had been here a couple times before — What a great recommendation! So fun to order our dinner and listen to these artists perform. A lot of really great songs from Justin Ebach, Darby, Matt Alderman and Andy Albert. The perfect Nashville thing to do. After dinner and the concert we took some pictures, met and talked to some of the artists and then headed downtown.

Chris and Lisa

Marilee and Adam

Caroline and John

After the show, Adam, Marilee, Chris and I headed downtown to check out all the live bands in each bar along Broadway. It was fun walking along broadway to our dinner show but the midnight crowd was a little different. We mostly walked by but we decided to pop into one location to check out the band. I thought it was SOOO funny that they let Adam in and then stopped Chris to ask for ID. Then they asked Marilee and I for ID too. I hadn’t even brought my wallet so I just said, “Really? I’m 44. I have a son who could get in here.” He said, “Well, I guess I’ll take your word for it.” Such a fun day in Nashville!