Weekend in Provo

We drove to Provo late Wednesday night. Thursday morning we headed to Ryan’s new house, met up with Mark and Tate and then headed for the BYU Bookstore.

So fun to see these three together again. This was the first time they’ve seen each other since their missions.

  • Ryan - Adriatic South Mission (July 2016 - August 2018)

  • Mark - Baltic Mission (August 2017- August 2019)

  • Tate - Ecuador Quito North Mission (August 2017 - August 2019)

Fun to hang out around the stadium and win free waterbottles, listen to the band play and watch the band, players and coaches walk down the street and into the stadium.

Sweeto Burrito

We left the BYU stadium in hopes of finding something better/cheaper to eat and came across this place called Sweet Burrito, which was great. I think it just might be a new pre-game tradition.

BYU Utah Game

So fun to be at the BYU/Utah game — even though we lost. Being in the stadium is pretty great. Love going to visit our friends, the Cooks in their front row seats before the game starts, eating BYU mint brownies and doing the Cougar Fight Song.

In the fourth quarter it started to rain so hard that they postponed the game. Lots of fans headed home at this point since we were losing but we headed under the bleachers to wait it out and enjoy the atmosphere. The band got together and played some fun songs that highlighted the drummers and it was SO FUN! Then Cosmo came over to hang out. It really was so memorable.

When we went back in we headed over for sideline seats. Matt said, “This is way better! Why didn’t we seat over here to start with?” Haha

Fun to hang out with Jared and Geneva as well! It was a fun night.

Friday was a fun day. We headed to campus and caught the end of the Women’s Volleyball Tournament game (the kids won free donuts for dancing crazy) and then headed to Target to get Ryan some things for the new house. We had to take advantage of our free ice cream coupons with our football tickets.

The White House

It was fun helping Ryan move into ‘The White House’. Hayden’s family has done so much in order to get things livable and ready for Hayden and all the boys. It looks great. Dad bought some wire kitchen shelving and helped Ryan put it up in the kitchen. We helped him organize his room as well.

These pics were taken after we left - on the first Sunday of the semester.

The BYU Women’s Soccer Game

Friday night we stayed for the BYU Women’s Soccer game. It’s such a fun atmosphere! Of course we won. Fun to see Hanna Chugg there too! After the game we grabbed Brick Oven Pizza and ate it in the van headed to St. George!

Two Days in St. George

We were in St. George for Saturday and Sunday. Grandma and Ashlyn and boys met us down there, which was so fun. We swam, ate and played games.

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