A Week in Lake Powell

We had such a great week in Lake Powell this year and these pictures remind me of the beautiful scenery, hot weather and fun. We spent our days kayaking, wake surfing, hiking, swimming, jet skiing, wake boarding, playing games, eating and visiting. It was so much fun.

Kates did such a great job wake surfing. She’s a natural.

These cousins sure love being together.

Luke and Matt did a great job wake boarding and everyone loved being on John’s new boat. This year we rented jet skis and they were so fun!

My oldest and youngest. Love these boys.

John trying out a new board, and Matt, Luke, Megan and Katie wake boarding.

So fun to watch Ryan wake surfing.

Love these pictures of Emily wake surfing as the sun went down.

I just love taking pictures of the kids on the tube. So fun to capture their faces while bouncing across the waves and being thrown up into the air.

It’s just beautiful here.

One of my favorite things about Lake Powell is an afternoon of cliff jumping. Chris and I found a great location while we were off on the jet ski together and brought the whole crew back with us. Fun to see the kids being brave and jumping off some really high cliffs. The funniest moment was when the three sisters went to jump together and at the count of 1-2-3… just Nikole jumped in.

Lots more tubbing - this time for the little kids.

Loved having all my kids with us on vacation. Ryan missed a week of Spring Term classes and Katie had a week before starting her BYU youth counselor job and then heading on her mission.

Loved our location here. Just so beautiful.

One of my favorite memories was taking pictures on the beach as the sun went down. Such great lighting. I decided to take some of the kids on a hike up on the red rocks and they were eager for an adventure.

We’re so grateful that John and Nikole share their houseboat with us. We love it. They recently upgraded so this year we got moved from the dungeon to a high bed room. Chris ended up sleeping in the room with me and most of the kids slept on top of the houseboat.

Uncle Rob took the kids on a mid-morning hike while some of the group was off wake boarding. They came back red-faced and bothered by mosquitoes — which had them jumping straight in the water. Too hot for day time hikes.

Lots of games this week. We had fun resurrecting Dominion and even taught Luke and Matt how to play. Luke had played once before but it had been awhile. Matt had never played. They both loved it. We also played Istanbul, Splendor, and a game Ryan brought where you had to grab the thing in the middle if you have a match.

First time that we’ve ever seen these big horn sheep at Lake Powell. So cool to see them walking around the red rocks above us.

Love being in the boat. So fun to watch people surf, take pictures, listen to music and enjoy the warm weather. I really love it. I also loving jumping off to cool down every so often.

I just love that Emily can’t help but cover her mouth when she’s laughing hysterically - and whenever she’s hanging around Spencer - there is laughter. Love these cousins spending good time with each other. We missed Tyler this week while he was at a soccer tournament.

Love these kids. So grateful for them and how much they love each other.

Luke has spent a great deal of time recently perfecting his standing backflip. Here Megan is helping him with a boosted flip.

Luke’s impressive standing backflip. Seriously, he’s amazing.

We love you Lake Powell. Til next time. : )