Scout Camp for Luke

Luke’s account of Scout Camp…

“This was my first (and last) Scout Camp. I had Scout Camp at Peaceful Valley Camp. There were green tents with a wooden floor. The tents were open in the front and back. I slept in a sleeping bag with a pad on the ground. Some of my friends brought cots. I slept in the same tent as my friend Micah. I slept pretty well. Most of the nights we didn’t chat with friends because we stayed up with everyone telling scary stories and then were too tired to do anything else so we went straight to bed.

The friends that I hung out with the most were Owen, Romney, Justin and Ben. The first half of the week my leaders were Bro. Browning and Bro. Larsen and Brother Greenwood. Then Bro. Larsen switched places with Bro. Slater and Brother Browning waited until Bro. Cannon got there. Brother Hatch came at the end too. All of the leaders were really awesome, nice and legit. The Bishop came once to give us a lesson just for the afternoon.

The camp provided us with food. Most of the days everyone wished they were gluten free, like me, so they could eat my food instead of theirs. Most of the time the food was not the best and everyone disliked it but there was once or twice that the meal we ate was good enough to want to have seconds. The food — not only was it bad sometimes but it also had a lot of sugar. Because of the sugar I had the first two days, my stomach couldn’t take it and I through up in the middle of the night. After that I tried better to stay off candy sugar and ate less of the food they provided.

The classes I took at Peaceful Valley Camp were:

1. Model Design and Building (morning class) - we designed rockets and built our own model of it with cardboard, cups and other materials. It was fun to learn about and construct with our own minds, thinking about what it needed in the rocket if we were to live there.

2. Pottery - (second morning class) we learned the history of pottery and what kinds of pottery and how they were made a long time ago compared to the kinds of pottery and how they are made now. On the last day of pottery class we got to take our clay and make whatever we wanted. Lots of people made pots or figurines but I made a weird round blob fish and forgot to take it home. Learning about the pottery and playing with the clay was a really fun merit badge and I did not regret picking that for one of my classes.

3. Archery - (after lunch in the afternoon) we learned the history of bows and arrows and where they were used and who they were used by and talked about the different kinds and different materials to make them. Then we built a bow string and how to make it thick and tight so the arrow go straight and hit the target. We also put together our own arrows with wood and elmers glue. Then finally we shot arrows at targets and got six rounds, each with 5 arrows to get a total points of 150 to qualify for the merit badge. I got the score of 152 in 5 rounds!!

In my free time in between classes or after all my classes were done we got together as a ward and played game called ‘Dippidy Dippidy Dip’ that we learned from Bro. Cannon — our Deacon’s Quorum leader. I also played soccer with Jack, Jake, Kaden and really with everyone and Ben and Owen. I also played half field soccer or went to the trading post and either played Ga Ga ball or went with my friends so they could buy candy or a pocket knife.

On the last day we hiked up to the crevices or cracks in between huge rocks where we climbed up and down through the cracks. I mainly was bouldering with Romney and Owen and I went through some hard courses with them but it was really fun. Actually they went through hard courses with me. I just knew I could do it. Owen and Romney were mainly following me around doing some cool spots that got my hands tired and rough but it was so worth it.

Five favorite things about Scout Camp:

  1. Bouldering

  2. Soccer

  3. Dippidy Dippidy Dip

  4. Archery

  5. Telling scary stories at the campfire