Denver Day - Union Station

Katie loves to go downtown Denver (so do I!) and so she picked a day in Denver for our last full family day the Saturday before she headed on her mission. But first we ate a pancake breakfast and then headed to the ICON Movie Theater to go see a 10:30am showing of SPIDER MAN - Far From Home. It was so fun! We picked up Carly, Whitney and Mara from home and headed up to TORCHY’S for a late lunch. The fried avocado tacos are so good.

It was fun to park and walk to the Union Station. We parked behind this time so it was fun to see the trains coming and going and the Union Station from behind as we walked over.

Love Katie’s shirt — FLORIDA IS CALLING I MUST GO.

We wandered through the building, checked out some shops and then headed over to the Mailbox Creamery for some ice cream. Salted Oreo?? Oh my goodness… so good! Definitely a treat day to celebrate Katie and a few of her favorite things!

We took our ice cream cones and sat outside along the fountain. Once the boys were finished they headed in to play with Whitney. It was pretty fun.

Whitney and Mara loved running around (and crawling) in the water and my kids loved to chase them and ended up getting pretty wet themselves.

It was Mike’s idea for us to hold hands, close our eyes and walk through the fountain. It was so funny. He got some great pictures of our family doing it. Katie snapped some pics of them doing it as well.

Emily was walking out of the building and Mike glanced up and said ‘Whoa, she looks like a model.’ She wasn’t smiling - just walking but as she realized what he said and that we were all staring at her she burst into a smile as I caught a blurry pic. Love that this girl has to cover her mouth when she laughs. It’s adorable.

Definitely a fun day! As soon as we got back on the freeway we encountered the biggest HAIL STORM and were stuck there for at least 10 minute. We marveled at what a perfect day it had been weather-wise. Hot enough to play in the fountain and eat ice cream — and 30 minutes later a hail storm. Funny Colorado.

At home we played some games — Katie’s choice: Hand and Foot.