Walton Week - Ouray, CO

On our last day we checked out of our house in Telluride and drove an hour through beautiful countryside to Ouray, Colorado — such a cool little mountain town. First we stopped to walk down to this little lookout. Just a beautiful area. Then we headed over to Box Canyon Falls and walked into canyon and then followed the trails up on top for great views of the valley. It was a great outing.

It was here that we invited Mike and Carly to follow us home and spend a week with us in Colorado Springs. It didn’t take them long to decide to come!

Picnic lunch at a playground just outside of town. A fun place to hang out while Mike hooked up some ropes so the kids could take turns climbing. Mom, Dad and Katie and the Silvas took off from here and the rest of the kids ran after them as they drove off.

Over to main street in Ouray to get some ice cream before heading our separate ways. It was so great to be together!