Stake Girls Camp for Emily and Megan

Stake Girls Camp

Girls Camp was put on by the Stake this year. Because of some logistical problems they ended up having to move Girls Camp to a Boy Scouts of America Campground just 45 minutes north of us. The girls had a great time (minus the food - which was apparently horrible because it was organized by the BSA). They loved the High Adventure Activities: Archery, rock climbing/rappelling, service, lake, and a full day of zip lining.

I drove a carload of girls up to Camp and was equal parts glad I wasn’t staying and so sad I wasn’t staying. I’m always at camp with my girls!!

Girls Camp Daily Themes and Devotional Topics:

  • Tuesday: Women of Strength and Courage  "Because He loves me, I know I am of infinite worth. Because I love Him, I will choose to see my eternal value."

  • Wednesday: Women of Love  "Because He Loves me, I recognize His blessings and am grateful. Because I love Him, I will choose to see the eternal value of others and seek to bless them.” 

    • Wednesday evening activity: A Look through the history of WOMEN OF COVENANT starting with Eve, then continuing to modern day.  Each woman has a different story, most of them require love and courage to accept the call to do the work they have been called to do. 

      Women of Covenant include Eve, Esther, Deborah, Mother of Stripling Warriors, Abish, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Mary & Martha, Marjory Pay Hinckley, then some of our YCLs as modern day women of covenant. 

      Main messaging from Eve " May you come to understand your role, your call. May you see the true beauty, majesty, character, and righteousness that resides within you. I think with your understanding of the role of a woman of covenant, you will better be able to accept your responsibilities and complete your vital mission upon the earth. You will learn that my story, and all the covenant women stories, are also, your story. Finally, may you be filled hope in the glorious day when we are all clothed with glory because of our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

  • ”Thursday: Women of Revelation "Because He loves me, He speaks to me through the Holy Ghost. Because I love Him, I will choose to Listen, record, and act on promptings."

    • Thursday Night Activity: Musical Presentation "In Christ Alone" - Story of the Plan of Salvation; pre-earth, earth-life, and post-mortal. Doctrine taught and Narrated by "Eve." Included are true stories of young women in the stake and how they have looked to their covenants for help. Some sacred music, some lively music. Eve’s final words: 

      "This is the final stage of the journey in which we return home a changed daughter or son. We have faced danger with courage and have not shrunk with fear or discouragement.  We are transformed into a new state emerging from the battle not only a stronger person but worthy to be in the presence of the Father because of our covenants and the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

      Scripture declares that “ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, … and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven … [and] dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.”

      “For He stands in the midst of His people. Glory, and honor, and power, and might, be ascribed to our God; for he is full of mercy, justice, grace and truth, and peace, forever and ever, Amen.” D&C 84:99-101

    • Emily was asked to perform in this musical and did such a great job. Chris and I were able to come up to camp to watch and it was so great. Lots of great emotions and the Spirit was very strong.

  • Friday: Women of Conversion and Covenant- "If ye love me, Keep my commandments"  "Because He loves me, He gave me commandments and sent His son to Atone for my sins. Because I love him, I will choose to keep the commandments and receive eternal joy over temporal happiness."

    • Friday Activity: Covenant Walk & Solo Experience - Introduction of the Plan of Salvation as a 3 Act play (pre-earth, earth life, and post-mortal life) where a YW is introduced in the 2nd Act and is confused because she doesn't remember the first act. Invitation to learn all about the "script" through the scriptures and covenants. The walk takes the YW literally through trails, fields, mountain pathways with stops along the way to discuss challenges, covenants, and gospel principles. Focus on the scripture Doctrine & Covenants 19:23  "Learn of Me and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit and you shall have peace in me." Concluding remarks by President Rogers with instruction on how to have a significant solo experience.