Puerto Vallarta - Bonus Day

This is now considered our ‘bonus Mexico day’. We were supposed to fly home today but because of the ‘Bomb Cyclone Blizzard’ happening in Colorado we woke up early to the email saying our flight was cancelled. We decided to try and buy another flight later in the day and met the Theurers for a few hours by the pool. At 11:00 we packed up and started to head to our rooms to check out and as we parted we joked ‘unless we get another cancellation emai!’. Ha ha. Literally 5 seconds later we got an email that our second flight was now cancelled. We yelled at the Theurers and shared the news. We were ‘stuck’ in Mexico. Unfortunately the Marriott was at full capacity and didn’t have rooms available so we checked out and hung out in the lobby trying to figure out the plan. We found a cute little hotel nearby and booked a two bedroom villa for the night. We called to extend the rental car, picked up some more Pesos and some drinks and fruit, dropped off our luggage at the villa, worked out some things for our kids at home and came up with a new plan. Let’s head down to Boca de Tomatlan and take a boat ride to Playa Las Animas. We were thinking we’d boat to Yelpa but we just didn’t have the time and the water was a little choppy. Playa Las animas was a great option since we had hiked by it but really hadn’t stopped to enjoy it.

Chris and I on the Pier of Playa Las Animas. Our boat captain gave us a recommendation of the best restaurant on the beach and we headed straight to it. We opted for a table on the beach and by ‘on the beach’ I mean literally steps away from the water. In fact, during our meal the surf hit our feet. Pretty cool. Never eaten so close to the water that I can feel the surf on my toes. We had great tacos and guac. Fun how every restaurant has their own little twist. Definitely memorable for our ‘bonus day in Mexico’.

Since the only way to get to this beach is via boat, the beach was deserted by 4:30. We sat down on our beach towels and enjoyed the warmth of our secluded beach. It really doesn’t get old. As we talked we tried to comprehend the snowstorm that was going on in Colorado. Back home, the kids braved the freezing cold blizzard to head to the Jacksons for an ice cream party.

Our boat ride back to Boca de Tomatlan — one of the rare occasions when Chris is in red and Pete is in blue. Ha ha.

Sunset at Los Arcos

We pulled off to the side of the road and headed down the path to watch the sun sink into the ocean. Such a gorgeous area.


A bonus night means ice cream AGAIN - this time back at Lix - but just for the guys.

We headed back to the villa to shower and get ready for bed. And then we pulled up news reports of the ‘Bomb Cyclone Blizzard’. Even the name cracks me up. The cars piled up along the road in Denver and the people who had to be rescued was crazy. We decided it was a good thing that our flight was cancelled because we likely would have been stuck in Denver for the night anyway.

The Theurers came into our room for the report and after watching one of the New’s Segments Pete (and everyone) just got the giggles and could NOT stop laughing. It was pretty funny.

La Tropica

We enjoyed a lazy morning at La Tropica pool and ate breakfast on the patio. It was a cute place with a really great breakfast. We kept tabs on the flight coming from Denver to Puerto Vallarta to make sure we had a flight home. At 11:30 we took off for the airport and made our way back home.