Dad's Death Day

My Mom and Sisters and I think about Dad all the time. We try to make certain days extra special like celebrating his birthday. We have also been able to gather on the anniversary of his death every March 16th since he passed away 3 years ago. I was not planning to travel to Utah this year, but at the last minute I ended up purchasing flights for a very short weekend.

On Saturday morning, I left home for my early flight from Denver to SLC at 4:00am. Mom made the mistake of asking me to clean out her garage, which means I was throwing things away - which I love to do and she doesn’t love to do. Then we went to visit Dad’s grave in the snow and put some new golf balls out for him.

We headed up to Lindsey’s to see her new house and help with painting, moving furniture in, setting up beds, etc. Lindsey and Rob are working hard to bring this house up to their standards. They are doing a great job with it. And this was one of the reasons I decided to make this trip. I was wondering how I could honor my Dad on this day and realized I knew exactly what he would be doing today if he were still alive. He would be at Lindsey’s house all day helping them with their new house. So I thought that was the perfect activity to do today.

We met for dinner at one of Dad’s favorite restaurants, The Mandarin. It was really good Chinese food. And we had a wonderful time talking. Lots of laughing. After dinner, we got some Nielson’s frozen custard and then drinks from Swig and headed back up to Lindsey’s house. We got a lot more work done and a lot more great talking. I love spending time with my sisters.

Nikole took me back to Mom’s house about 3:00am and I crawled into bed for a few hours before Mom took me back to the airport for my flight home at 10:23am. It was a quick but memorable trip and I am glad I made the effort to make it happen.