Life During Coronavirus- June

Post-quarantine pre-quarantine Days

The first couple days of June were great. We were definitely getting used to being a little bit more social with friends — especially with good weather. Always outside activities like picnics at the park or buddies hanging out in the backyard. It was great to be with friends.

One day Cade came over to hangout outside for 4 hours. He and Matt rode bikes, played on the tramp, ate popcorn and snacks and enjoyed every second of it. This is the first time they’ve seen each other in months. * Chris stayed after work to golf. * The kids had Dentist appointments — with masks and temperature checks. * I had a picnic at Black Forest Park with Megan Jackson, Saralyn, Jen, Michelle and Tiffany to celebrate Megan’s birthday. * Megan enjoyed a PRIDE soccer kick around… quite interesting… masks onto the field, then hand sanitizer, then being issued to her ‘square’ on the field, no touching other players or interactive scrimmages. * Gillespies came through Colorado Springs on their way to Utah. Fun to have a picnic in the backyard and catch up. * Ryan took advantage of having Tate here and headed over to Garden of the Gods for an early morning hike with Daylee. Glad he could have some friend time. * Another dentist appointment for Emily * Lunch at the park with the Hales and Jacksons * Online piano lessons for Emily * Pixar Movies at lunch every day *

Black Lives Matter

Early June we spent a lot of time listening and learning about the racism that is still prevalent in our country. So much to understand, think about and learn. One night we watched JUST MERCY with the kids and it was SO powerful and a great education for all of us. I’ve enjoyed following some new people who are great at expressing their experiences. It’s definitely been eye-opening and engaging.



We started to limit shopping and friends on Friday, June 5th so that we could be careful to not bring the virus to my parents in Provo. Initially I was kind of excited to go back into quarantine since we had had a good experience with it as a family… lots of good time together… but it was harder to reverse than I thought. Turns out we do enjoy some friend time.

We did have some fun together though. I taught Matt how to play Castles of Burgundy * We played 7 Wonders and Istanbul. * We watched RUDY and worked on a puzzle * We tried out a new salsa recipe that Sarah sent us: mango, pineapple, cilantro, red onion and lime juice. So good! * Enjoyed a great fast Sunday listening to everyone bearing their testimonies * We cleaned the windows inside and out — which was a lot of work but really needed to be done. * Chris had an eye appointment and physical therapy. * Luke and Matt tried out for Anglers (Luke made it, along with Andrew Richins) * Emily’s picture set came in the mail and we started putting it up. It looks so cute up on her wall! *

Peeking in on Emily as she finishes her photo wall. : )

Provo Week

We had such a great week in Utah. It was so much fun to be at my parents house (and well worth the quarantine). My Dad being diagnosed with cancer really made me appreciate every little thing about my parents house and what they each like to do. We hiked, watched movies, shot BB guns, played bowling on the shuffle board table, played darts, had dinner out on the patio, walked around the block, taught my parents how to play Quix, ate pies, roasted marshmallows, drove up to Midway, celebrated Father’s Day and my Mom’s 69th Birthday, did Come Follow Me and an ancestor history together and so much more. I wasn’t too emotional all week but I definitely caught myself trying to capture a certain scene and keep it in my memory. Driving away I got a little emotional as I told Chris what a great week it was. Such great memories. (Pictures on a separate post)

Ryan at the White House

On Sunday night we dropped Ryan off at The White House so he could spend the weekend with his roommates and friends. I know he had a great couple of days and packed in lots of board games, movies, popcorn, dates and birthday celebrations. When I picked him up on Tuesday afternoon he, Charlie and Spencer showed me the birthday decor set up by his roommates. Such great friends.

Chance meet up with the Crawfords

Driving up University Avenue I spotted Marisa Crawford and girls out of the corner of my eye. Chris flipped around and we pulled into a nearby parking lot and called to her. She turned around and freaked out. It was so funny. We chatted for awhile, which was so great! Love these friends.

Staying with Grandma Johnson

While Ryan was hanging out in Provo, Chris and I and the kids headed up to Draper to spend a couple of days with Shelley. On Sunday night (Father’s Day) we drove straight up to the Cemetery and sat by Del’s grave. Grandma brought golf balls so we could leave them for Grandpa — a tradition. It was nice to sit there for awhile and talk about Del. Such a great Father, Father-in-Law and Grandpa. The sky was beautiful.

On Monday morning Shelley and I had a great massage and then we met up with Chris, Nikole, Ashlyn and Lindsey for lunch at Toscano - a yummy Italian restaurant in Draper. Fun to chat and get caught up with everyone. After lunch we went to the park to let the kids play. These cousins love to be together!! Chris, and the gals headed over to Utah Furniture Warehouse to shop. Nikole picked up a desk and I ended up with cute pillows and little navy bowls. Such a fun place. Then we grabbed dinner (and later Iceberg Shakes) and headed to Nikole’s house to hang out. On Tuesday we went shopping and Emily and Megan got some H&M clothes and then we picked up Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake. After Ryan’s birthday dinner up the canyon, Ash came over to stay late and play games. We ate Cheesecake at midnight. : )

Ryan’s 22nd Birthday

After a few days at the White House I picked up Ryan and we headed to the canyon for dinner and a birthday party with all the Johnsons. It was a fun night… the kids loved climbing the rocks and exploring the caves.

We got Ryan a nutribullet and protein powder for when he heads back to Provo, a BYU hat, and a 7 Wonders Expansion. The boys got him a BYU soccer ball and Emily and Megan got him some Finding Nemo Stance socks since he loves all things PIXAR. He loved everything. Happy Birthday Ryan!!

Breakfast with the Theurers

On Tuesday night after dinner up in the canyons I dropped Luke and Matt off at the Theurers to stay the night. They were SO EXCITED. Wednesday morning we went and had breakfast with the Theurers at their house. So fun to spend some time with them!!

Love these friends!

Back at Home

We headed back home so that Megan could go to Pride Soccer tryouts… Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Initially we had planned to be in Utah for the rest of the week but when I mentioned to Megan that we were in Utah for her tryouts she said, “Well, I guess we’re not going to Utah then.” And she meant it. She and Charlee went together and pumped themselves up for each session. On Saturday afternoon Megan got the call that she would still be on United. I think she would have been good with that but there were 6 open spots on Copa and she was really hoping to move up. And Charlee got one of the spots. So sad not to be together. Definitely some tears as she settled into that news.

Maggie graduated from Pine Creek at a special social distancing ceremony at the outdoor D20 Stadium. Then she came over to get a picture of her and Emily. * Liz and Chip were in town overnight so that Chip could officially get out of the Army and they joined us in Jacksons backyard to chat. It was so good to visit with them. * One day we had a TORRENTIAL hail and rainstorm - so loud and so big that it was a little worrisome. Fun to stand outside and watch for awhile. *

Luke and I headed to his GI appointment. We wore masks throughout the entire appointment. The Doctor explained that his blood test results were all normal and then I got the smackdown when we discussed his weight. She was pretty frustrated that his weight had not improved and told me that ‘whatever I was doing was obviously not working and needed to be changed’. I agree. I think we started off good with Whole milk and trying to get him to eat more, but obviously we’ve been slacking off. We discussed a few more ideas and options and I determined to have high-calorie foods on hand for him to eat and drink. He really does need to gain weight. Matt now weighs more than him. We also discussed and decided to book the procedure (August 17th) so that Luke can get officially tested for Celiac Disease. I don’t love his doctor so after talking to Jen Wyeth I scheduled his procedure with another doctor in the office — hopefully a better one. Chris helped Luke make a chart so that he can write down all his meals and snacks. Hopefully that will help us all to be aware of what he’s eating. We definitely need to do better.

Luke came with me to do a couple of errands and I bought him a smoothie from Panera Bread just for fun (and for the calories!) We dropped off Katie’s birthday package at the Post Office and then headed over to Target. We finally found a birthday bike for Matt at TARGET! Luke was with me and helped me wheel it to the front. When we got home we called for Matt to help unload the groceries. He was a little suspicious as I tried to block off the view to the back of the van but was SO EXCITED to see a bike. He LOVES it!

Matt headed over to Cade’s pool to play for several hours and when I picked him up told him Richins were coming over for an impromptu Fourth of July Party. Sandwiches, salads and chips. So fun! Matt said, “A new bike, playing with Cade for 3 hours and then the Richins are coming over? This is the BEST DAY EVER.”

We enjoyed the pool a few times. It opened up while we were in Utah. The pool has two hour time slots throughout the day and you need to reserve your time. 10:00-12:00, 12:30 -2:30, 3:00-5:00 and 5:30-7:30. They clean between and during sessions. The pool renovations and second pool are done. It’s so much bigger and looks great. I just love taking advantage of it.

Gavin came over to hang out with Luke for an afternoon of outside play and backflips. So good to get these friends together. Luke hasn’t seen him for months. * Spent a couple hours going through pictures on my phone and sending them to specific files on the computer. Got a lot done. * Curry soup for dinner and then a new JACKBOX game all together. * Megan and friends hung out at the park to play night games * Chris spent LOTS of hours working on documents and schedules for the LODGE.

Lots of fires going on in Utah. Mom and Dad and Mike and Carly could see it from their house.


A few screenshots, memes and great quotes from the month of June… We’re half way through the year!!

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