Provo Week - Father's Day and Grandma's Birthday
It was fun to be with my parents on Sunday — especially since it was Father’s Day AND my mom’s birthday. Definitely a special day with so much to celebrate.
Family History Session
We started the morning with a great Come Follow Me lesson around the kitchen table and then moved down to the living room for a Family History session. I recently printed out the Walton Line pages — created by my talented brothers, Mike and Brian for a Family History Christmas present a few years back. I had the kids study the timeline and then presented a history typed up on one of our ancestors… Arthur Walton. I think it’s so interesting to research about someone’s life on family It took me several hours reading through everything I could find to piece together his story. So many interesting lessons. I have each person read a paragraph and then they have to say… “I think it’s interesting that…” It helps everyone stay engaged. It was especially fun to read through it with Grandma and Grandpa there as well.
Rhubarb Pie for Lunch
Grandma suggested we have Rhubarb pie for this special day’s lunch and there were no objections. Love her rhubarb pie! It’s a staple!!
So grateful for such wonderful parents who love each other. Love them so much.
Happy 69th Birthday to my Mom
Pretty special to have my Mom’s birthday and Father’s Day fall on the same day this year — and exactly when we could be here. The stars have aligned.
Love that we’re almost matching with our Sunday clothes. : )
I gave my mom my new favorite lotion - Nubian’s Mango Lotion (smells like Orange Creamsicle) and my favorite Eucalyptus Shower Spray.
So grateful for my mom. She’s the best!!
Happy Father’s Day Chris
Chris, you are the best Father, Husband and friend. Life is so much better with you by my side. It’s good to be Lisa. Love you forever.
We celebrated Father’s Day with a few presents… a new Apple TV, a Travis Matthew’s Golf Shirt, a new dutch oven and a fun new puzzle.
The kids each gave him a card with thoughtful words. Then we had him read his Father’s Day Questions — which is tradition. This year we changed up the questions. : )
Happy Father’s Day to Mike
Happy Father’s Day to my Dad
The Walton Family Book that Amy makes each year went to my Dad for Father’s Day this year. She always does such a great job putting it together. It was pretty fun to be there when they looked at it for the first time.
An Early Birthday present for Ryan
I hinted to my Mom that Ryan would love his very own 7 Wonders game. Turns out I was right. He’s getting quite the collection of games now and couldn’t be more thrilled. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
Sister Johnson gets to Say Hi on Father’s Day
Fun to have a call from Katie on this special day. She talked to Dad for awhile and then got passed around to everyone else. It’s so great that we can talk to her more often… especially on days like this.
Dinner prep, Dominion games and then everyone over for a big Father’s Day, Mom’s Birthday party. We ate tacos out on the deck and then opened presents, played a Kahoot game about Grandpa that Emily helped put together, and did lots of talking. Good times.
Saying Goodbye
It was such a great day! After dinner we packed up the van and I had Mike take some pictures of Mom and Dad and I before I left.
As Dad and I took a final picture I remember thinking… “You’re going to always remember this. You’re going to look back on this picture of when” Emotion came quickly and I had to fight to maintain a normal smile and not break into sobs.
I’m hopeful that I’ll have another couple years of pictures just like this of my Dad and I… but knowing his cancer is back changes things. And for now, it’s helping me appreciate the time we have together and cherish every small moment.
When I got into the van and drove away I turned to Chris and said, “That was a really great week.” and then I cried.
A good cry - full of joy and gratitude for good parents, great memories and knowledge of the plan of happiness that keeps us bound together.