Life during Coronavirus - April
Wednesday April 1st
We did a Luke workout today — one assigned from his PE teacher. We had to draw from a deck of face cards that would tell us which and how many exercises we would do. It was a great workout. While we ate pancakes for breakfast, Dad read to us from the Work and the Glory. We’re reading a chapter a day and it’s been so fun. I think everyone is enjoying it. Dad is getting choked up daily as he reads about Joseph and Hyrum or the Steeds losing their son Joshua. It is a touching story.
Luke and I sat to go through his assignments and make a big list for the day and the rest of the kids headed into their rooms to start on their work. Ryan is getting ahead on his assignments as we are all focused on getting good stuff done and are not distracting him. He found out his Computer Science Final was just cancelled and that made him whoop with excitement.
I made blueberry muffins for lunch - something I haven’t made for a year or two - and they were so good. The bad part of this ‘being all home together thing’ is that I’m making more food and therefore eating more. Yikes. Matthew is finishing his homework pretty quickly everyday and then races on to Specials homework and then piano practicing, reading and scriptures. He’s the most on-task out of all the kids and happily gets things checked off his chart. Luke slowly works through all of his assignments but seems to be doing better — more focused and on-task — than before Spring Break. Lots of issues with Schoology glitching but working around them just fine.
I spent several hours listening to the Inklings Conference with Emily Belle Freeman where we studied D&C 25, 85 and 107. It was really enjoyable. I took notes through the 2 hour conference and stopped to write things in my Conference notebook or in my scriptures. So grateful for people like her who have a desire to share their knowledge with others. Getting excited for Conference this weekend.
April Fools jokes today were a few family pictures ‘edited’ with Brooklyn 99 faces and all my food with eyes on it. I loved it!
Chris and I announced to the kids last week that today (Wednesday) would be our date night. We told them that we would be upstairs and they would be downstairs. They got so excited and every day since have talked about what they will do with their ‘kids only’ night. I think our Wednesday Date Night will be a weekly tradition as well. Chris and I left the house at 5:00 and headed to pick up something from Dicks. We ordered it online and then approached the curb of the store, called and they brought it out to our car. The store itself isn’t open but this curbside pick up is in place for now. We decided that we’d try picking up some ‘take-out’ for dinner. We called Costa Vida to make an order but they were all out of sweet pork. Then we headed over to Pei Wei but there was a sign on the door that said CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. So we headed over to PFChangs. We ordered and paid online and then parked in one of the nine parking spots… then called in to report that we were there and which spot we were in. Interesting. We ate and talked in the van and then headed home — not even seeing the kids — and headed straight upstairs to rent a movie and watch it in our room. Nice to have a planned evening for ourselves.
Meanwhile the girls set up a restaurant in the kitchen and produced menus for the boys. They sure have loved to do that through the years. They gave them smoothie options, appetizers and main courses and then did all their prep work behind the island which they had blocked off with stools and a white sheet. Love that. Ryan worked on homework and the boys played outside on the trampoline and then watched a Disney movie downstairs while trying to make a fort. They can’t wait for next week.
Friday, April 3rd
A list of everything going on right now…
Gas price in Colorado Springs is $2.09
It snowed today.School is cancelled - right now officially until April 30th
Colorado is enforcing a ‘Stay-at-Home’ directive. Self-distancing measures on the rise.
Costco and Target have tape on the floors to help distance shoppers from each other.
Stores are limiting numbers of people inside store. Costco has lineups outside in the morning but no lines later in the day. They will now only let two people in per membership card. Signs stand around the store to promote social distancing. Some food like milk, eggs, meat and limited to one per person. No toilet paper or disinfecting supplies either time I have been there.
Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed. So many friends with dental offices closed. Some doctors working much less. It’s affecting so many.
Playgrounds are closed. Signs will be posted. There are still lots of people outside walking around the neighborhood when weather is good.
Entire sports seasons cancelled. Soccer coaches are emailing home workouts, instigating competitions and sending video challenges.
Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events - cancelled. Wondering when they will start again?
Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings - cancelled. We’ve heard of some being married civily with small small groups and will later marry in the temple.
Churches and temples are closed. So grateful for the Come Follow Me program and the ability to worship in our homes.
THOUSANDS of missionaries returning home to quarantine for 2 weeks. Annie, Brynn, Hanna… Now wondering if these friends go back out to serve in the states or wait for several months or don’t go back at all. Such interesting times. Katie is in self-isolation doing missionary work from her apartment with Sister T.
No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, now 10 or less.
Don't socialize with anyone outside of your home. But one of my goals right now is trying to reach out to a friend or two every day.
Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers. Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill. Watching videos of shortages in NYC.
We have a shortage of toilet paper, disinfecting supplies, paper towel, laundry soap, and hand sanitizer. Luckily we’re stocked up now but wondering when those supplies will be stocked again.
Shelves are bare — We’ve noticed this in Target and King Soopers. It’s kind of eerie.
Government closes the border to all non-essential travel.
Fines are established for breaking the rules.
Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients.
Press conferences daily from the President.
Daily updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths. Chris keeps us updated with new numbers every day.
Fewer cars on the roads. The last couple of times I’ve been out (trips to Costco every week and a half) it’s been weird driving down Powers with not much traffic. I’m not really someone who deals with anxiety but it definitely has me breathing deeply. It’s just such a different feeling.
People wearing masks and gloves outside. Chris and I wear gloves in to grocery stores. Just yesterday the directive from the Colorado governor was to wear a mask if going outside of your house. Grandma has been making some for local hospitals. We should have gotten our order in sooner!
It’s been a good week. Monday the kids didn’t have school and it was just another day at home. Tuesday was kind of hard. I think having to help Luke get set up with school and then help him throughout the day combined with a stress for Easter online shopping and ideas for Megan’s birthday. I know, not real problems but a harder day nonetheless. Wedesday was better. Time to study and a date night with my man. Thursday and Friday seemed to be smoother. The kids did great getting everything done. ‘It’s nice to have a schedule and be responsible for things’ — says Emily. Still they’ve had time for puzzles, shows and bullet journals.
Thursday afternoon we talked to Katie for several hours. We added Grandma and Grandpa Walton to the call and that was really fun. Thursday night we met with the missionaries through Facebook Messenger. We each thought of several friends we could reach out to and wrote down our lists. Excited to connect with some more friends and see how they are doing right now.
Friday morning Chris and I headed to Costco and Target to pick up groceries and a long list of extra things like Easter basket treats, wrapping paper and candles for Megan’s birthday, ingredients for Easter dinner etc. We should be good for another two weeks now.
Friday night we watched ONWARD - out on Disney + instead of the theaters because of the Pandemic. Then we stayed downstairs and played some Tetris and then Dr. Mario. I won all of the games tonight so that was fun. I do love hanging out with my kids. They are good and I am so grateful to be their mom.
Saturday, April 4th - Conference Weekend
We worked out — Chris and the kids did a workout together and I ran on the treadmill. Chris made Christmas Breakfast for us and then we got ready for Conference to start. We gathered in the family room off the kitchen. Megan and Emily pushed the kitchen table forward so that it touched the back of the couch. Sometimes the kids like to sit back there and take notes. So excited to hear the words of our Prophet and General Authorities and see the ways in which this unique Conference is both memorable and unforgettable.
Conference was broadcast from the Assembly Hall on Temple Square. Just 5 or 6 General Authorities were in attendance —just ones that would speak during the session — and they all sat 6 feet apart. The music was pre-recorded. Some from just a few weeks ago and some they used from passed Conferences. Such a difference. Still… grateful for the technology that allows Conference to go on. We are blessed. Because of this special Restoration Celebration and then again because of the unique timing of this Pandemic, we all sat anxious to hear what would be said. President Nelson started with a message of how during this time of COVID 19 and other trials we have the need to BE PREPARED — not only physically but that we need to fill our personal spiritual reserves. We need to seek Jesus Christ and HEAR HIM. We enjoyed messages of Peace, Restoration, Revelation, our Savior, and the Priesthood. More details on speakers on a separate post.
Dad, Emily, Luke and I played Castles in-between sessions and another puzzle was finished. We’re on a roll. After the second session I took a nap, we played 7 wonders and then prepped dinner: Mediterranean Tacos, which we ate just as the evening session began. Really wonderful and powerful talks.
Then Rootbeer floats as we listened to two chapters of our Work and the Glory book. A great day.
Sunday, April 5th
What a great day. Conference was wonderful. (More details in a separate post.) Sunday morning we dressed in our church clothes for the Solemn Assembly. It was a wonderful session. President Nelson introduced a new PROCLAMATION. “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World”… which he read to us from the Sacred Grove (a video recording). So great!
After President Nelson spoke we did the HOSANNA SHOUT with our white napkins. It was Matthew’s first time doing it, but the rest of us remember it from previous experiences. It was really neat. We headed straight into the choir singing the Hosanna Anthem and then THE SPIRIT OF GOD. Powerful. Of course I couldn’t sing because I was emotional.
We enjoyed crepes for a late lunch and then watched the last session of conference.
Then we played several games of Dominion with Ryan and then Chris and I spent the evening talking to the Johnsons and then the Waltons on zoom.
Monday, April 6th
It’s Megan’s 15th birthday!! I woke up at 5:00am and Dad and I put balloons all over Megan’s floor and then put up sticky notes all over her door! We both had a hard time getting back to sleep so Dad ended up leaving early for work. And I headed back to sleep until 9:00. We worked out as a family and then headed outside to do ‘hour of cleaning’. Our first time doing some yard work and it felt great — especially with the warm spring weather. We got a lot of weeding and trimming bushes done.
Right now I’m typing as I listen to Katie, Daylee, Dallie, Brynn and Annie Video chatting. Abby’s P-Day is over since her time zone is later in Sweden. Claire was on the text thread but didn’t have authorization from her Mission President to jump on the video call. Miss seeing them all together but 5 of them is pretty good! Rachel (Dallie’s mom) and I have to be in on the Video so that Katie and Dallie are allowed to chat. It’s so fun to hear them live chat for the first time in 9 months! All of them took turns talking about their missions and Annie and Brynn bore they testimonies in Spanish and then Waray-Waray. So cool. Amazing how they can learn to speak so well in just 9 months. All of the ones that have returned were sharing what was hard about being home and the little things they missed about being on a mission. So great. Later Katie was able to chat with Emilee Hurley as well.
Matt received a card from Katie in the mail. It was a scripture puzzle and he had to look up scriptures to find the words that made up the letter. So cute. He loved doing it and when he was done said, “I miss Katie SO MUCH. We need her here with us!”
When Dad got home from work we celebrated by opening presents, picking up Costa Vida and eating it at home, playing soccer outside, and then eating Nothing Bundt Cake and ice cream. More pictures on a birthday post.
Wednesday, April 8th
The past couple of days have been great. The kids are doing great with home learning and we seem to be getting into a groove. After receiving some feedback, Luke’s teachers have sent an email with a master sheet of work for the whole week. Hallelujah. That has saved me nearly 45 minutes each morning. Now he wakes up early and gets started without me and then takes a break when we work out as a family. Today we all worked outside on the yard and got a lot more done. Dad edged all the grass while the rest of us took turns raking the dead grass, cleaning out the window wells and weeding the rocks.
Yesterday I chatted with Liz Cook and it was so good to talk to her. Today I talked to Monae. Grateful for these good friends and their outlook and lessons learned through this Pandemic. Love them both! I have the best friends.
We’ve been playing some Dominion and some Seven Wonders with Megan’s new expansion nonstop. A couple games yesterday and another one today. Dad was taking SO LONG picking his cards so Megan and I made up a new rule for next game. A time limit for picking cards!!
We ate salads and bread for dinner. I beat my record on Tetris. Megan and the boys played soccer outside. The kids are watching Guardians of the Galaxy and now I’m journaling while it’s relatively quiet upstairs. (I can still hear the movie from two floors below.) I’ve definitely had to get used to a loud daytime house again but it’s worth it. So grateful to have this time with everyone.
Thursday, April 9th
It was a great day. We worked out in the morning and I made french toast for everyone. They disappeared into their rooms to go to seminary, work on projects and continue with schoolwork. Here’s the update on how the kids are doing…
RYAN — Ryan’s been working hard on his college classes here at home. He’s taking Humanities (3 credits), Computer Science ( 4 credits), Engineering (4 credits), Math (3 credits) and Religion - Christ and the Everlasting Gospel (2 credits) and Pickleball (1 credit) but there’s not too much he can do with that from here. He’s working hard on a Computer Science Project making an app that shows family history relations on a map. He has a couple of Math assignments, a religion essay and 3 finals left in the semester. When he’s not working on school work he’s trying to drum up a game of Dominion or a crowd to watch a Marvel movie (in order of course.) He loves being home, appreciates home cooked meals and loves a nightly game or show. He’s also been great to play soccer outside with Megan and help Luke with his computer science homework. We are so glad to have him home! Such a blessing.
KATIE — We talked to Katie today. She was transferred this week and is now in a Trio with Sister _______ and Sister _______ covering two Tampa Wards. Sounds like they are busy getting to know their new people and are trying to have more lessons than they had the previous day. She sounds great! We miss her but are glad that she can still be serving during this time. Her mission will definitely be unforgettable.
EMILY — Emily has been navigating her home schooling well. Out of all the kids she’s the one who wants to sleep in the most. Usually we have to wake her to do our family workouts - but she is eager to join us and getting to be quite strong. She does her school work in her room at the desk facing the window. (She and Megan just recently traded rooms so thats been fun.) She studies for several hours in the morning. 10-1? In the afternoon she practices the piano, plays the ukulele, works on her hedgehog cross stitch, bullet journals, plays games with the family, and watches Gillmore Girls whenever she can. She also likes to bake and would do more if I let her.
MEGAN — Megan’s typically up early and gets started on her homework pretty quick. She seems to be doing well navigating all she needs to do. She does most of her homework at her desk in her room but likes to do some downstairs in the kitchen or reads on the couch. She spends her extra time reading, playing soccer inside, playing soccer outside, listening to music, bullet journaling and working off her debt from Christmas still. (lesson learned for her and for us parents for letting her go in to debt.)
LUKE — It was a long hard day for Luke today. I’m so impressed with his determination and focus. He sits at the dining room table and works on subject after subject. He struggles with ADHD and being really distracted but with his medication (taken since the end of December) has really noticed a big difference. Sometimes I don’t notice a difference but he says he can really tell the difference between days when he takes it and not — which is great. I imagine that there is so much going on in his brain, that I obviously don’t see, that makes it hard to work around. He really does have a lot of 6th grade e-Learning and I think it takes him longer to complete it than the average 6th grader. Today he was at the table at 7:00am. He stopped at 8:30 to work out with the family and have breakfast and was back at the table at about 9:45. Then he worked until lunch and even worked through lunch doing his Computer Programming homework while he ate at the kitchen table. Then he headed back to the dining room table and worked until 3:30. We had him take a break since Emily needed to use the computer for online piano lessons. When she was done at 4:30, then he continued with his work. He stopped for dinner at 6:30 and because he really wanted to have some outside time before it went dark, everyone went outside to play soccer for awhile. While the rest of the family played 7 Wonders he headed back to the table to finish a Social Studies paper. None of this was enforced by Chris or I. He had his master copy of what things he wanted to accomplish on this day and worked hard to tackle it. Every day hasn’t been like this. Sometimes he’s been able to finish by 2:00, but he usually works until later afternoon. It’s a lot. And he’s doing great. He may still get distracted by his own thoughts at times, but nothing has been overwhelming to him. No emotional explosions or frustrations about school work — just a steady desire to work hard. I’m really impressed. Here is his VIRUSES project. Love it.
MATT — Matt’s 5th Grade e-Learning has been quite manageable. Matt has a real desire to start his homework first thing in the morning and get it done. He watches videos of Mrs. Craddock teaching, gets on to one or two face-to-face conferences with her and the class, reads articles and answers questions. He has folders for each ‘Special' and works to complete one lesson/activity in Chinese, Art, PE, Library and Health per week — usually having them done on Tuesday or Wednesday. He borrows my phone to look up the soccer workout posted by his soccer coach and does it downstairs in the basement. Then he practices piano, reads his scriptures (this week he’s reading articles from the Friend or the Ites book) and then works to do his hour of cleaning or hour of outside work with everyone after lunch. He can generally finish everything by lunchtime and spends the rest of the time trying to think of good things to do. He writes letters to his group of buddies: Anders, Ian and Cade. He plays soccer outside. He’s always trying to get someone to play a board game with him. Today he and I played Kingdomino and he beat me.
Friday, April 10th - Good Friday
We started our fast last night. This morning before exercising we gathered to talk about it and I shared some messages from the World Wide Fast Facebook Group. It was touching to hear of so many people fasting around the world, members of different churches and faiths. Such a feeling of unity and power. Really inspiring.
The kids were all done with schoolwork by 10:00 which was nice. Ryan worked hard all day. I spent the afternoon making lasagna and vegetables for dinner. Emily made homemade rolls, which were delicious.
We ate dinner, played a game of Seven Wonders with the expansion (Ryan won), went for a walk over the back fence, talked to the Egberts in their backyard, came back and ate cookies while we listened to a chapter of Work and the Glory and then went downstairs to watch LITTLE WOMEN, which we hadn’t seen yet and really enjoyed. It was a good day. Feeling lots of gratitude for my house, my family, my health and praying for others who are not so fortunate at this time.
Sunday, April 12th - Easter
It looks like the kids got cereal and Ryan got a board game. But Really the kids got cereal and Ryan got Strawberry ice cream. And the kids all got new shirts and Ryan got a Dominion expansion. The kids had a great time finding their hidden baskets this morning. Everyone was able to spot several baskets before finding their own… and Ryan found everyone’s first and then finally his own. They immediately started in on their candy. Reese’s peanut butter eggs, Junior Mints, Works, Ghirardelli caramel chocolate bars, eggs filled with Cadbury eggs and bags of chocolate covered cinnamon bears. They promptly exchanged candy with each other for their favorites… which seemed to work out for everyone.
Ryan got straight to opening his game and reading the rules. We were all excited to play another game since we’ve been addicted to the 7 Wonders expansion since Megan’s birthday. Luke and Matt got BYU Football shirts in their basket. And the girls both got a couple of Madewell t-shirts in theirs.
We had our Sacrament meeting in the piano room and then moved to the kitchen table for our Come Follow Me Lesson about the Resurrection. We are counting our blessings every day — grateful to be healthy and together — and in awe of the guidance and peace we fell from our living Prophet and loving Savior. What great timing to experience General Conference and celebrate the Resurrection while our lives slow down and we are able to refocus. My heart is full.
We watched the first episode of THE CHOSEN - a Vid Angel series about Jesus Christ. The Hales have been suggesting it for awhile now and we finally started. I really enjoyed it. Katie was able to video chat for a little while, which was nice and then we played some games until the food was ready. We had an extra turkey in the freezer so we decided on a full Thanksgiving dinner for Easter… turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, creamed corn and sweet potatoes with a few extra appetizers. It was great to chat with Grandma Johnson before dinner and then all of the Johnsons and then Mike and Carly after dinner. Grateful to be connecting with family more during this time.
We sat on the couch and listened to Dad read another two chapters of the Work and the Glory and then — even though it was already 11:00 — Dad, Ryan and I played one last game of Dominion… our third of the day with the new expansion.
Monday, April 13th
Thought it would be fun to add some of the Google Doodles that have been on the screen as of late. Definitely a reflection of what’s going on and how grateful we are for those who are essential workers right now.
Wednesday, April 15th
MY EXPERIENCE with the Coronavirus - Matthew
My feelings about what’s happening in the world right now:
We have to be strict in order to avoid getting COVID-19
This is what is different about our life right now:
We are quarantined and can’t be getting together with others. We don’t have school or any activities.
These are some ways I am spending my time right now:
Switch, reading, piano, movies, soccer, pickle ball, boardgames, working out.
With the changes happening, these are some things that I am missing the most:
Soccer practice, playing with friends and cousins, going on vacation
This is some of the advice and counsel that is helping me:
This is not too hard for me. Having a schedule helps me.
There is so much to be grateful for. I’m counting my blessings…
A family to play games with
Ryan is home
Things to do
Big backyard
TV/Disney +
Food and water
The Switch
A great big house.
MY EXPERIENCE with the Coronavirus - Luke
My feelings about what’s happening in the world right now:
The things that are happening in the world… are CRAZY!! It is so sad and insane.
This is what is different about our life right now:
One thing that is different about my life, is that we have to do church at home and school at home.
These are some ways I am spending my time right now:
I am reading the Hunger Games Series, I am practicing soccer outside or in the basement, I play on the Nintendo Switch, I fractured a part of my hand, and much more.
With the changes happening, these are some things that I am missing the most:
I am missing soccer practices and games. I also really miss church, but it is still fun at home.
This is some of the advice and counsel that is helping me:
This is not too hard for me because I have a big family to do a lot of fun activities.
There is so much to be grateful for. I’m counting my blessings…
Family - playing and doing things with me
Dad - making money
Mom - making food for us.
Ryan - glad he came home.
A big house - while in quarantine.
Clean water
Lots of yummy food.
Katie - gets to stay on her mission (so far)
Board Games and Video games
God - helping us and loving us
MY EXPERIENCE with the Coronavirus - Megan
My feelings about what’s happening in the world right now:
I feel like it hasn’t affected the world because I don’t know what it’s like or has affected anyone I know. When I think about it, its kinda scary how big and how fast it is moving/traveling.
This is my main way of staying informed:
My dad is the main ay of staying informed about COVID-19.
These are some things I do, to not be totally consumed with everything going on:
I play soccer, eat more food and spend time with the fam.
With so many changes and restrictions happening worldwide, I am more aware of things I tend to take for granted in life. These are some of those things, and what I’m missing the most:
I am missing soccer the MOST!!! I also miss seeing my friends and going to school and swing.
What feels the most surprising about all of this, to me personally:
It surprises me that it is likely to affect a lot of people I know.
These are some things I’m choosing to do in my life right now, during this unique season in history:
I am still working on being fit and playing soccer. I am also reading a lot of books and spending time with my family.
This is an example of something I’ve said to those close to me, or advice I’ve given, during this pandemic:
“Wash your hands” - dad
This is what I would want my loved ones/posterity to know about my perspective, being alive during the Coronavirus/COVID-19:
I think this experience will help me in the future by making me more prepared and ready for anything.
There is so much to be grateful for. I’m counting my blessings.
My family - when we joke around and play games or watch movies together.
The gospel and the Prophet - to bring peace and help us know that we can always turn to the Lord.
Food - so we can eat when were bored.
My bullet journal - for something for me to do when I’m bored.
Soccer - because I LOVE soccer.
MY EXPERIENCE with the Coronavirus - Emily
My feelings about what’s happening in the world right now:
I think its all super crazy, especially that school is cancelled and were probably not going back. I’m sad and I miss people. I really hope stuff opens up for summer, like the pool!
This is my main way of staying informed:
Insta and parents - Dad reads the numbers of cases around the world to us.
These are some things I do, to not be totally consumed with everything going on:
Practice ukulele, learn new hymns on the piano, play board games and game tournaments, watch a lot of Gilmore Girls and movies with the fam.
With so many changes and restrictions happening worldwide, I am more aware of things I tend to take for granted in life. These are some of those things, and what I’m missing the most:
Seeing friends at school every day. Being able to jam out in my car alone. Being able to watch movies with the ‘grills’. Being closer than 6 ft apart to people.
What feels the most surprising about all of this, to me personally:
It sprung up on us, like it wasn’t a big deal, and then suddenly everything was cancelled.
These are some things I’m choosing to do in my life right now, during this unique season in history:
Bullet journal a lot. Learn new stuff on the ukulele. Also I’m reading a lot and doing puzzles.
This is what I would want my loved ones/posterity to know about my perspective, being alive during the Coronavirus/COVID-19:
This is kinda a crazy experience and I keep thinking about how it will be a major thing in history.
There is so much to be grateful for. I’m counting my blessings.
Spending time with the fam bam.
Ryan being home.
My daily walks with Maggie 6 feet apart.
Social media and texting people.
Online school have not been too difficult to pick up.
That my birthday is not during quarantine.
My bullet journal and books for when I get bored.
Peace from the Prophet.
The Hunger Games books.
Gilmore Girls.
MY EXPERIENCE during the Coronavirus - Katie Johnson — from her mission in Tampa, Florida
My feelings about what’s happening in the world right now:
It is super sad that so many people are dying! Very scary. It is cool to see the Lord’s hand in it all and how many people are seeing positives come out about this and how many more people are turning to God. People are slowing down and being with their families. People are reaching out and connecting more on social media.
This is my main way of staying informed:
Emails from Dad and news from the Senior missionaires
These are some things I do, to not be totally consumed with everything going on:
I focus on missionary work and laugh with my companions, BOM reads, go on walks, look for gators in the pond, serve others, read the New Era/Ensign, Check Gospel living, Read Saints.
With so many changes and restrictions happening worldwide, I am more aware of things I tend to take for granted in life. These are some of those things, and what I’m missing the most:
Mainly social interaction since a lot of the time the only people to talk to are my companions.
I miss teaching people in person.
I miss talking to everyone on the street and at the store.
What feels the most surprising about all of this, to me personally:
It came out of nowhere! 5 weeks ago, I had no idea that 4 of my best friends would be home from their mission and we would be down 44 missionaries in the FTM and we’d be working from inside!
These are some things I’m choosing to do in my life right now, during this unique season in history:
Reflect on myself and on the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Learn skills on how I can be a more effective missionary inside that I will apply ever after self-isolation.
This is what I would want my loved ones/posterity to know about my perspective, being alive during the Coronavirus/COVID-19:
I was on my mission in Tampa! Lots of people are scared but we don’t have any reason to fear because God is on our side. It’s funny to see all the missionaries wearing patterned facemarks.
This is an example of something I’ve said to those close to me, or advice I’ve given, during this pandemic:
“It’s really not that bad being stuck inside. There is so much can do that is effective. This is how God wants us to do missionary work right now.”
There is so much to be grateful for. I’m counting my blessings.
I’m chilling. Missionary work is hard either way and we are making the most of it.
Throughout my whole mission and the cononavirus, I have recognized how BLESSED me and my family are. We are so lucky to have peace and joy from the gospel and I’m so lucky to have the BEST family ever. God is so good and blesses us so much, thanks to Jesus Christ… all is well!
MY EXPERIENCE during the Coronavirus - Ryan — Home from BYU
My feelings about what’s happening in the world right now:
It’s a crazy time and everyone is having different experiences but it never seemed truly unexpected to me. Things grew gradually and counter measures changed and it all made sense. Looking bak on it is weird, and makes it feel pretty sudden, but it never seemed that way to me. I am sorry for those who are struggling but I feel blessed for most of the ways it has affected me.
This is my main way of staying informed:
Through Dad for news on the virus and through email and texts otherwise.
These are some things I do, to not be totally consumed with everything going on:
I get to be home and involved with everything that goes on here at home. I work ou every day, clean, play games, play outside, practice golf, work on assignments, watch movies, read and play more games. I’ve also had some great conversation over the phone with various roommates and girls.
With so many changes and restrictions happening worldwide, I am more aware of things I tend to take for granted in life. These are some of those things, and what I’m missing the most:
So many things. I haven’t spent much time (pre-virus) on my physical strength, or dating, or any number of things that are fun and meaningful to me, so it has been nice to have a refresh and restart by coming home and participating in family workout, family church, family games, family meals, and family more. I’m so blessed. I miss my roommates and my time visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Walton, Mike, Carly, Whitney and Mara, Brian and all of Dad’s side. I miss my pickle ball class and pickle ball with Grandpa and Mike and listening to the Wheel of Time while I work custodial.
What feels the most surprising about all of this, to me personally:
How much I needed this time to be home with my family.
These are some things I’m choosing to do in my life right now, during this unique season in history:
Read, learn the Mandalorian song on the piano, get big with my Dad, practice golf with my Dad, talking to people through video chat and have great interactions that I otherwise would have missed out on before this. Play Tetris 99 (trying to match my mom’s score) and other games on the Switch, online work in my major over the Spring and Summer.
This is what I would want my loved ones/posterity to know about my perspective, being alive during the Coronavirus/COVID-19:
II have learned a lot during this virus/quarantine experience. I came out a better person. It changed me for the better.
There is so much to be grateful for. I’m counting my blessings.
My dad, Working out, my body, delicious protein shakes, golf, leadership and guidance from my dad. the work and the Glory, the Wheel of time, my dad’s example of hard work, ping-pong, Axis and Allies,
My mom, Tetris 99, great discussions, the Spirit in every family meeting, excitement about boardgames and other things I like, Dominion: Renaissance, love and support, hugs,
Katie, her dedication, Mondays and Thursdays while I get to say hi to her, great little conversations, the fact that I look cooler because I’m her brother.
Emily, Gilmore Girls, Brooklyn 99, Reading, the Inheritance Cycle, someone to laugh with and put my arm around, PIXAR movies, puzzles, piano music.
Megan, 7 wonders: Armada, Brooklyn 99, someone to tickle and then get into a fighting stance, someone to laugh with and put my arm around, PIXAR movies, soccer, mother Russia.
Luke, lots of love and excitement, someone to share my love of nintendo with, endless enthusiasm, board games, movies, video games, Captain America, Pokemon.
Matthew, 11, someone to squat, jumping on the trampoline, two more reasons to do and be my best self (the fact that my brothers look up to me)
Christ, the Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the plan of Salvation, the Book of Mormon, the Sacrament, the Priesthood, looking to Christ for hope and joy, Book of Mormon videos, living prophets, this mortal period, my optimism and innate sense of joy, my desire to be better, Engineering, Humanities, Computer Science, friends, extended family, my roommates, and infinitely more things to be grateful for.
MY EXPERIENCE with the Coronavirus - Lisa
My feelings about what’s happening in the world right now:
Definitely a crazy time. I think I use that phrase over and over again… it’s just that we’ve never experienced anything like this. I’m grateful for world and church leaders who are trying to figure out how to best address the issues. I’m happy to do my part in social distancing and sheltering at home. It’s definitely an uncertain time but I have felt remarkable peace — especially as the initial changes occurred, vacations were aborted, and school and church were cancelled.
This is my main way of staying informed:
Chris sharing information on daily deaths in each country, reports and articles forwarded on Facebook, occasional Today Show news reports, Church news, texts from family and friends
These are some things I do, to not be totally consumed with everything going on:
Journal, take pictures of everyday moments, listen to SAINTS and DON’T MISS THIS podcasts, blog, connect with family and friends, daily reach out to friends who I haven’t talked to for awhile, read Work and the Glory with the family, play games, cook lunches and dinners for family dinners every night.
With so many changes and restrictions happening worldwide, I am more aware of things I tend to take for granted in life. These are some of those things, and what I’m missing the most:
While in some respects I’m happy to skip out on all the busy that our family is involved in, I recognize that we’ve chosen those events for a reason. For the joy they bring to the kids, for the skills they are learning and the friends they have. And while I’m happy to have a break from all of it and refocus on family I also realize that the things that makes our lives busy are great things that bring us joy. Makes me appreciate the soccer games and the carpools and the church activities. We have them all for a reason.
What feels the most surprising about all of this, to me personally:
I love the way this unites us all in a common experience and yet I understand that each person has a unique story within this common experience.
These are some things I’m choosing to do in my life right now, during this unique season in history:
Keep up to date with journaling and thoughts about what’s going on right now. I think it will be interesting to read through all of this in the years to come.
I’m enjoying exercising with the family every morning. This is the most consistent I’ve been with HIIT workouts in my life and it feels good.
Wanting to continue with Family History and discover new stories to add to the kids binders.
This is an example of something I’ve said to those close to me, or advice I’ve given, during this pandemic:
I’m always seeming to say, “Everyone is having their own experience through this trial.” I’ve enjoyed being able to see this trial through the eyes of others as I’ve communicated with family and friends.
This is what I would want my loved ones/posterity to know about my perspective, being alive during the Coronavirus/COVID-19:
What an interesting time to experience. I appreciate my family, my house, my life, and modern technology even more.
There is so much to be grateful for. I’m counting my blessings.
Grateful for feelings of peace. For church leaders. For General Conference. For Home Sacrament Meetings and Come Follow Me. For Ryan being able to be home with us. For a great home. For a family who I love to be with. For a connection of friends who are a support and source of joy. For a husband I love. For exercise with the family. For sleeping in a little bit later. For family meals together. For board games and movies. For reading Work and the Glory together. For movies downstairs. For hot baths and a newly painted master bedroom closet. For time for blogging. For family walks. For ice cream on Sundays. For Zoom calls with our extended families. For texts from Ministering Sisters and Primary Presidency gals. For enough food and supplies. For the Gospel and the Savior. It’s good to be Lisa.
MY EXPERIENCE with the Coronavirus - Chris
My feelings about what’s happening in the world right now:
The last two months have been crazy. I initially felt very worried watching the numbers in Italy, but I didn’t think it would last this long or be this bad. I am glad the numbers seem to have plateaued in most locations but I still worry this will go on for quite a while longer.
This is my main way of staying informed:
Worldometer, Daily New York Times briefing, Podcasts from Peter Attia, Cougarboard, COVID specific articles.
These are some things I do, to not be totally consumed with everything going on:
Daily family work out, working on blogs from 1999-2001, lots of board games with the family, house projects, yard work.
With so many changes and restrictions happening worldwide, I am more aware of things I tend to take for granted in life. These are some of those things, and what I’m missing the most:
First, I love all the extra family time we are experiencing together. I miss going out to eat with m wife. I miss my kids soccer games. I miss seeing and hanging out with friends. I do not miss driving to work every day.
What feels the most surprising about all of this, to me personally:
How divisive this has been in our contry. I am surprised how different people are treating the recommendations.
These are some things I’m choosing to do in my life right now, during this unique season in history:
Family workout. At least 100 pushups every day. Lots of quality family time. Work on my golf swing.
This is an example of something I’ve said to those close to me, or advice I’ve given, during this pandemic:
My advice has been to do our part by being extra cautious in following the quarantine recommendations.
This is what I would want my loved ones/posterity to know about my perspective, being alive during the Coronavirus/COVID-19:
I feel really bad for those that have been sick or died from this as well as those who’ve been negatively affected economically of from anxiety/lonliness.
There is so much to be grateful for. I’m counting my blessings.
This has not been a terrible time for me personally. I love all the extra family time. I am grateful that I love to be home with my wife and kids and that we all enjoy spending so much time together. I am grateful for my job that I can continue to work from home and I am still employed and getting paid. I am grateful for our wonderful house, all of our physical belongings, that we have plenty of good to eat and staples. I am grateful for General Conference and to belong to a church that teaches self reliance, preparedness and practicality in addition to providing messages of hope and peace. I am grateful that Katie has been able to continue serving in Florida.
Thursday, April 16th
We hopped the fence behind our house and walked further than we ever have. Lots of work is being done to the land behind our property. Kind of fun to walk down and check it out.
Saturday, April 18, 2020 - Dad’s Cancer is Back
Last night my Mom and Dad skyped to share the news that my Dad’s prostate cancer had come back and has now spread to his bones. Stage 4. So there’s really no treatment. No chemo, no radiation. Just some hormone therapy that might prolong his months and some medication to make him more comfortable. Chris read through a CT report they had emailed and tried to make sense of things and clarify information. Always glad he understands everything medically. (He’s anxious to see copies of the CT and Bone Scans which will arrive on Monday.) I was pretty quiet as my Dad talked. Of the two of us, Chris did most of the talking, and looked over at me several times thinking I must be in shock. Time seemed long and lots of thoughts popped in my head even though I didn’t want them there. …Is my parents house paid off? (It is.) …We should plan a couple’s trip with everyone. …I wonder if my Mom will want to move houses? …Do we have a good picture of my dad? (Yes, of course we do.) …When will I see him? …How will the other siblings react? …I’m glad he’s been working on his personal history. …How can this be?
I told him “Enough of this COVID stuff. I want to come spend time with you.” My mouth said it but my head convinced me that of course I needed to stay away now more than ever. I was emotional whenever I looked at my mom, who was trying hard to keep it together — but wasn’t succeeding. Luckily Chris kept talking. He asked solemnly, “David, how are you feeling about this?” Answering exactly how my Dad would answer he said, “Well, I’m disappointed…” (I smiled at that. Of course he would say it like that. Calm and even.) “but I feel resigned. I’ve had a wonderful life. So many great experiences. Great children who are all doing well. Great relationships. I feel like I haven’t had to deal with the trials that so many other people have. If this is the trial that I’ve been given… then I’ll do it.”
Chris was the one to say “Thanks for calling. We love you both so much.” I couldn’t speak. Tears streamed out and when we ended the call, they came out faster and I sobbed. I don’t want him to have to go through this.
Today I’m feeling all the feels. Sometimes feeling disappointed but resigned — like my Dad. And sometimes feeling anxious and emotional — like my Mom. I’m equally them… and that’s good.
I woke up at 6:30 this morning thinking about my dad and willed myself back to sleep — and thus began a weird dream about my mom sending out announcements of my Dad’s cancer.
I talked to my sister, Amy, this morning. It was good to talk, and be emotional together. And then laugh. And then cry some more. So much of the timing of the disease is unknown and then with this COVID19 on top of it, it’s uncertain how this will affect our gathering together.
I talked to Mike after lunch. So great to talk. Tears came sporadically and we commented about how sometimes you don’t know what’s going to spark emotion and what’s not. He was pretty shocked but is feeling grateful to be back in the States and not traveling abroad. Always helps to share feelings and mourn together.
In the coming days I talked to Dan and Sarah and then Brian and then Scott and Elisha. Each sibling talked to each sibling over the weekend. What a powerful thought — the group of us individually gathering together to talk and make sense of the information, to grieve with each other and share our thoughts and experiences. So grateful for my family.
An overview of our week written by Chris to Katie…
“We had a good week here. I was on administrative leave the entire week as part of our week on and week off pattern we are continuing. We were able to get a lot of stuff done this week.
We had really good workouts every single day. Without really even discussing it, Mom and I have fallen into a pattern of alternating who is in charge of the morning workout every other day. So Mom led 3 of them and I led 3 of them. When I am in charge, we are doing Centr. (the app put together by Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and his personal trainer.) When Mom is in charge, she uses 8Fit, but lately has been doing 2 workouts from that every day. Everybody has a great attitude and works hard during the workout. I am really proud of all the kids. Yesterday, Megan wanted to also go on a run after our 30 minute HIIT workout, so she led me and Ryan and the boys on a run to the track, around it 2 times and then back home. It was great, but I have a hard time keeping up with my kids on these runs.
We also got a lot of stuff done around the house this week. We painted our walk-in closet, the girls walk-in closet and Ryan's bathroom. It is good to have those completed. Of course painting our closet also meant we completely cleaned it out, throwing a lot of stuff away and creating a bag full of things to give to Goodwill. Ryan also got a few shirts from me that were too small.
Mom and I also completely finished blogging the year 2000.
We played a ton of board games, increased more than usual after Ryan finished the projects and assignments for his semester with only 3 finals to study for.
We watched a fun movie as a family on Friday night that was intense.
Ryan and I set up our golf practice area in the garage and started working on our golf swings. It should be a good way to improve our abilities so we can get out and play when things start to open up.”
Tacky Tourist Day! Emily and Megan - Co-Student Body Presidents of our Johnson Home School dictated that Wednesday was Tacky Tourist Day. I just love their school spirit! ; )
Sunday, April 19th
Today was a good day. Chris helped me log into a ZOOM Stake Women’s Conference from 9:00-10:30. We heard messages of TRUST IN THE LORD from the Stake Relief Society and then from the Stake Presidency. Good people and great messages. I was emotional as I saw the names of others who were also joining in. Over 350 sisters. It felt good to join together… even if we didn’t see each other’s faces.
Scott Richins texted and told me that he was fasting and praying for our family. So nice.
We had Sacrament meeting and then Come Follow Me studying Mosiah 1-3. After our discussions we watched the Book of Mormon video of King Benjamin and I was emotional watching. So well done.
I had made a big list of things I wanted to do today…
Come Follow Me Study
Book of Mormon Videos
Finish Pandemic Journaling and type it into the Blog
Write a letter to Katie including newly blogged Chicago post
Call Shelley and Johnsons
Skype my Mom and Dad
Read a Chapter in the Work and the Glory
Watch the next episode of THE CHOSEN
Research Agnes McQuarrie’s life history and print it out for the kids family history book
So many great things to do. I headed upstairs to get some of it done. Chris and Ryan finished their pandemic journaling, I wrote Katie and typed in the journaling to the blog. Chris and I skyped with my Mom and Dad and talked with them for awhile.
My brothers: Scott, Mike and Brian were going to head over to my parents house to give my Dad a blessing. They were careful with no kids, lots of hand sanitizer and masks. I told my Dad that I’d love to be a part of it. My Dad set up a zoom conference and Amy, Dan, Carly and I joined in to watch with our families. Scott gave the blessing for my Dad and it was so amazing. Such a great feeling as Scott spoke words from God. Later that afternoon my Mom asked us to write in some phrases that we remembered from the blessing.
A few of the things he said were… I bless you with Miracles — physical, mental and emotional and the ability to recognize them as they occur. …I bless your body that it will be strong. …I bless you that you will be able to witness marriages and mission calls. …Some of these blessings may be realized from the other side of the veil. …I bless you that you will know what questions to ask doctors. … that you will be blessed with the ability to accept advice, love and support from your family. …Your children and grandchildren look up to you as a man of the Priesthood. That memory will continue to bless them after you are gone. … Your faith will increase. …”I bless you that you will listen to the counsel of medical professions, your family and the Spirit. … I bless you with quality time. … I bless you with the miracle of time.
Most of us were emotional throughout the blessing — my Dad as well. Hearing him cry made me sob. There was a powerful feeling of love, connection and faith and I was so grateful for my parents and also brothers worthy to give a blessing. We are so blessed. At the end of his blessing my Dad mentioned that he can’t remember feeling the Spirit so powerfully during a blessing.
I suggested that my Mom receive a blessing as well. Dad asked Mike to offer it.
…The Lord is keenly aware of your challenges. … I bless you with peace. …I counsel you to pray, to read and listen to scriptures and conference talks. …Your faith will be stronger than ever before. …I bless you with composure when you normally wouldn’t be.
“I remember a very strong spirit of love that extended beyond the room. It was a special experience and extra special to share with everyone. Even though we weren’t physically together, I felt very connected to the whole group. ”
After the blessing, Chris and Ryan went into the piano room and jumped onto the Stake Priesthood Meeting while Emily made dinner for us: chicken, pasta, tomatoes and feta cheese. It was great. We talked to Chris’ family on Zoom at 7:45 - which was good. They wanted to hear about my Dad mostly. At 9:00 we finally sat at the table to play a game of Dominion and then had some ice cream as Dad read us a chapter of the Work and the Glory. It was a great day. During General Conference we were encouraged to think about how we #HearHim. I definitely #HearHim on Sundays as I testify during our Come Follow Me lessons and as I listen to family members giving blessings. : )
Monday, April 20th
Well, we are officially eLearning until the end of school on May 29th. Governor Polis unveiled his guidelines for Safer at Home, the next phase of Colorado’s plan for combating the spread of COVID-19. Earlier today we also learned the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA) has “canceled all performances, festivals, competitions, regular season and culminating CHSAA-sanctioned spring activities and athletics for the remainder of the 2020 season, ending on June 1, 2020.” These aren’t surprises but now they are official. We have exactly 5 1/2 weeks left of eLearning. Can’t believe how fast the year has gone. Except for the complications around travel and seeing my Dad — we have enjoyed being quarantined and taking a break from normal busy life.
Our good friends, the Richins, sent us a choreographed family dance video and challenged us to do the same. Monday morning Emily, Megan and the boys started to choreograph. Then we all joined in. It was fun. Right as we were ready to record it we called Katie and set up the video call so she could watch us perform it live. She loved it and it was fun to see her smiling, laughing and trying to learn the dance moves herself as we performed. Haha The Richins loved it and commented that Luke was the MVP. He’s remembers every move perfectly and always has such great expressions.
We then switched gears and talked to Katie about Grandpa. It was definitely a shock to her and she was emotional when I was emotional. She is such a light. Love to hear how she’s doing and talk to her for hours.
Thursday, April 23rd
Amy’s 39th Birthday!! Chris texted us the day before to ask us to send him pictures of everyone holding signs with a word that describes Amy. It was fun to do and see all the family’s pictures being sent in through the day. Such a cute idea. We love you Amy!!
Friday, April 24th
Well, we’ve finished exactly 5 weeks of eLearning and have 5 weeks left. HALF WAY!! Things are running pretty smoothly now so it feels like we can do this.
We got an email from the High School that outlines how the end of learning will go.
The last day of eLearning for Juniors will be May 20th. Then her check out day at the school will be on May 21st.
The last day of eLearning for Freshmen will be May 27th. Then Megan’s check out day at the school will be on May 28th.
On the cusp of feeling like we can see the end, we read an article stating that Governor Polis held a conference call on Tuesday and told all public school district superintendents that they should prepare for the possibility of not returning to a physical classroom until January 2021! Wow. I read the article to the kids with a smile — because holy cow — this is crazy. The kids then started a conversation of how they wanted to move to Utah and start school with their cousins. Haha. I think not starting in September will be rough but I’m glad to have time to mentally prepare. We can do this.
Saturday, April 25th
We had a great workout together and then family prayer and discussion. We had breakfast, got ready for the day and then did our own things for a while. Emily worked on ACT study. Megan did some debt cleaning. Matthew and Emily practiced the piano. At 12:30 we ate lunch and then played a couple games of Dominion. The boys are addicted and are constantly wanting us to play. It’s fun that they understand the cards so well.
The overcast windy weather broke into sunshine and we decided to head out to Spruce Mountain for a 5 mile hike. It was really fun. We haven’t had a family outing like this since being in quarantine. Lots of walks but not a hike. It felt sort of surreal to be driving around with a full van of kids. The weather was a beautiful sunny 52 degrees. We hiked for several hours around the mountain loop. Great views of the valley, and cool rock formations to climb on. 5 miles definitely made my knees sore. I need my trekking poles next time.
About half way in Dad started a family conversation about what things are on each of our bucket lists. It was so fun to talk about.
Dad wants to get a hole-in-one, live in Europe for several months at a time (when I heard this I said, “I was going to say this!) and to build and design a great retirement home.
Mom wants to travel to New Zealand and Australia, visit a tropical location with vacation homes/huts out over the water and design and build a retirement home (when I said this, Chris said, “That’s on mine too!” We think alike.)
Ryan wants to have a home with a secret room, visit every continent (travel!) and find and marry his best friend.
Emily wants to visit one of the Disney’s at least every other year, live in a renovated school bus, and swim with dolphins.
Megan wants swim with sharks, visit every continent, and see gorillas in their natural habitat (not in a zoo).
Luke wants to have a pet turtle, ride on an elephant, and learn how to do a double backflip on the ground.
Matthew wants to own a giraffe, be the best soccer player or runner in the world, and live in a tree house.
We went around and each came up with one from Matt up to Dad. Then another and then another. We laughed, or agreed with each one. It was such a fun conversation. Matt took my camera and took a few pictures of us as we walked.