A Conversation with 11-year old Matt

Luke was off at a youth activity last night and so I took the opportunity to hang out just Matt and me. We read an article from the For the Strength of Youth magazine — one that he picked out. It was about being the super star of your own story, written by Elder Uchdorf.

I asked him what his story was going to look like. He thought about that and then answered that he was going to have a life like Dad’s. “I’m not going to be poor or be super rich.” He still dreams of being a super runner and amazing soccer player and asked if that was going to pay well. Then he mentioned that he’d love to teach little kids but wasn’t sure that was what he would do. When I suggested coaching soccer or track he agreed. “I’m going to be the kind of Dad that coaches all my kids in their sports. I’m going to have just practices at home with my kids and any other kids that want to come hang out.” When I asked about getting married he said, “of course!” How many kids will you have? “Four”, he answered without even thinking about it. Girls or boys I wonder? “Definitely girls.” Really? No boys? “Well, boys and girls. I think raising girls will be easier than boys maybe. I’d like girls who are like Megan… Mature and Athletic.”

I don’t have enough of these one-on-one conversations. So often the boys are lumped together in everything they do — and that’s ok too. But tonight reminded me how individual they are. Love this last child of mine. He’s going to be a superstar.

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