Sister Johnson is home!

So exciting to have Katie come home today!! December, Christmas and our Walton Week at the Lodge were all happy distractions and made the COUNTDOWN TO KATIE a lot easier. As our week at the Lodge came to a close we were excited to head home and get ready for Wednesday to arrive. We spent two days getting everything ready for Katie to return. We put some of the Christmas decorations away, cleaned and organized the house, made coconut soup and Squamish bars and headed to the airport. The traffic was horrible and because of an unexpected accident on Powers the police had the whole rad shut down. We ended up using some side streets to get to the airport, meanwhile texting Katie to let her know of our late arrival. She flew from Tampa to Dallas to Colorado Springs and landed at 4:07. Her plane was early and because of our Powers traffic we met her outside - which ended up being perfect and without masks.

She is just the cutest and happiest girl — full of light. It was wonderful seeing her bouncing toward us.

I got the first hug and it was a long one. I was emotional and I couldn’t let go. Emily took a few pictures and I love these ones of Dad smiling, anxious for his turn. So happy to have our girl home!!


Luke and Matt - the first for official pictures with Sister Johnson.

She was amazed at how tall these little brothers are.


Back inside to help Katie get her luggage, which was finally ready to be picked up.

Katie trying desperately to be taller than Emily and Emily helping her out.

Love these pictures of Megan trying to get in on Ryan’s Picture with Katie.

Dad moved the car up while we went in to grab her suitcases and then out to take a few family pictures before climbing in the van. I was happy to have brought my tripod in the car. Everything worked out perfectly. We happily squished eight people into our seven seater Pacifica and headed home. She loved seeing the sign on the yard welcoming her home. We gathered at the dining room table coconut curry soup over rice and sparkling apple cider.

Then we quickly got dressed to head over to President Rogers home for Katie to be released. He welcomed us in and had us sit in the living room as he took Katie up to his office. He met with Katie privately for a few minutes and she shared some experiences of the mission and what she has learned serving a mission during Covid. When they were done President Rogers asked Chris and I to comment on the blessings we noticed having her serve during this pandemic. Then Katie bore her testimony to us - which was powerful. The Spirit was so strong as we left. Matthew later said, “I was surprised at how good her testimony was. Most people just say a few things but Katie really talked about Jesus Christ.” Then President Rogers officially released her and simultaneously blessed her with things she would need in her future. It was one of those spiritual family experiences that we will always remember. As we drove home, Chris had everyone reflect on and share what they learned or felt. All great comments. Megan shared because of Katie’s example, she wanted to serve a mission.

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