Senior Prom for Emily

Calvin asked Emily to Prom this year and they had so much fun!

Emily, Abby and Brynn got ready over at Abby’s house and then the boys picked them up from there.

So fun to go in a big group all together. Moms met too so we could take pictures. Then the group headed over to Eric’s house where his parents had decorated and prepared a fantastic dinner with menus, waiters and plenty of white lights. Then off to the dance, which was held in the backyard of some friends.

So grateful for parents who pull together to make Senior Prom happen for these cute kids.

Exchanging corsages and boutonnières.

Emily and Calvin and Emily and her two best senior friends: Abby and Brynn

Fun group of Senior Friends: Eric, Abby, Calvin, Emily, Josh, Brynn, Miles and Carly

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