Cross Country Season for Luke and Matt

Elizabeth Meet

  • Luke Johnson - 5th overall

The Elizabeth course is known for being pretty tough. Across the field and through a small gate, down and around a rocky pathway, up hills, back on the rocky pathway and up to the track. It’s brutal. In Sixth grade, Luke finished 1st, and then promptly fell over in exhaustion.

Enjoying a week at the Lodge for Ryan’s reception and then missing the first week of school for our Disney World trip was rough on Cross Country Training. The team meet and practiced every day for the first week - except Luke and Matt. Coming to practice once before the first meet wasn’t quite enough to get in shape for the season. But in normal Luke fashion, regardless of how he was feeling he pushed himself to just do it. His buddy, Nathan, pushed him during the race to keep pace together. Luke was ahead as he entered the track but Nathan pulled ahead right at the end. They finished 4th and 5th overall… with about SEVEN schools participating. So impressive. Once again, Luke was in pretty bad shape. He lifted his arms above his head but could hardly walk. Nathan reached back and helped Luke pull off his name badge and give it to the officials, as Luke was in no shape to do it himself. Wow, Luke. Can’t believe how hard you pushed to get FIFTH. Well done, kid. Luke came in 2nd our of all the 8th Grade Chinook Trail boys.

  • Matthew Johnson - 18th overall

Matthew maintained a steady speed and came in 18th out of SEVEN schools of 7th grade boys. So impressive — and just a normal amount of exhaustion. A great first race — especially with no practice. Matthew came in 5th out of all the 7th Grade Chinook Trail boys. And as we walk back to the van it starts to POUR! and Matthew (who definitely likes to be called Matt these days) says, “Boy I love running. It’s so fun!”

Above: Coming down the pathway at about half way through the race. Dark clouds looming up above.

Poor Luke pushing through the pain. Nathan pushes ahead and Luke follows within a second.


Palmer Lake Meet

  • Luke Johnson - 14th overall - Time: 10:19

This was definitely Luke’s hardest race - and surprisingly the flattest and ‘easiest’ courses this season. Luke has a difficult time with anxiety before the meet and this time started with a cramp before the race even started. Still, he pushed through it but broke down at the end of the race and was quite emotional. Coach Holk talked to him as we were leaving and he got pretty emotional again — but she complimented him and gave some tips for avoiding cramps. Love her. Luke ended up 4th out of all of the 8th grade Chinook Trail boys (Nathan won an overall 3rd - 1st out of 8th grade Chinook Trail boys. A great race for Nathan!)

  • Matthew Johnson - 15th overall - Time: 10:50

5th out of 7th grade Chinook boys

Nathan, Matt and Luke

Chinook Trail Meet

  • Luke Johnson - 5th overall - Time: 8:59

It’s always fun to run at your home school. Luke had a great race and came in a second behind Nathan. FIFTH overall and SECOND out of 8th grade Chinook Trail boys.

  • Matthew Johnson - didn’t race.

He was devastated to miss but since he had a ferocious cough I just couldn’t send him to school and therefore, the meet. He ended up feeling just fine all day and was so sad to miss out on his home meet.

DCC Meet

  • Luke Johnson - 4th place overall

It was definitely a hard course. The boys were talking before the meet about how it was mostly uphill with stairs that they had to run as well. Running down a rocky slope at the end added some tension too. Luke had a great last sprint on the grass field and gave it all he had to beat the runner in front of him. He came in 4th place overall and first out of the 8th grade Chinook Trail boys.

  • Matthew Johnson - 11th place overall

Matthew keeps moving up and up. His goal was to get top 12 and he came in 11th place. And I think 1st or 2nd out of all the 7th grade Chinook Trail boys.

Luke, Matthew, Everett and Cade

Luke coming up to the finish line, determined to pass the runner in front of him — and did.

Matthew giving it his all coming up to the finish line.

Luke at 4th Place and Matthew at 11th place!

Eagle View Final Meet

  • Luke Johnson - 2nd overall - Time: 9:23

When Luke was in sixth grade he ran the final meet here, did extremely well and their 6th grade boys team were set to win ALL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS - however, they soon found out that sixth graders weren’t considered for that award — just 7th and 8th graders. It was fairly disappointing. When Luke was in 7th Grade, Covid modified the season to an intramural season with only one legitimate race and no league champion meet at all. So here we are, anxious to run and finally compete for the ALL LEAGUE title. Coach Holk brought it up with the team that - two years later - this was their chance to win the award.

Luke had a great race. As he came around the track he passed Nathan and ended up keeping the lead, exhaling an audible moan as he passed me. He later told me he just couldn’t quite get enough air in. He ended the race with 2ND PLACE and Nathan with 3rd. (First and Second out of the 8th grade Chinook boys). Because of this and the points of others, Chinook Trail was awarded 8th Grade Boys LEAGUE CHAMPS. The boys were anticipating this and jumped up with screams of elation. So fun to watch this team go and get their award.

  • Matthew Johnson - 12th overall - Time 10:25

Matthew had a great race too, coming in 12th overall and 5th out of 7th grade Chinook Trail boys. Ribbons are awarded to the top 15 - which was a pleasant surprise! Way to go, Matt! It was so exciting that the 7th Grade Boys were made LEAGUE CHAMPS as well! What an epic day!

Matt… Jens, Nathan and Luke ready for the race.

Matthew being awarded his 12TH PLACE RIBBON.

Nathan being awarded his 3rd Place Medal!

I love these two boys and their constant support for each other. Love Nathan’s smile as they called up Luke.

Luke being awarded his 2ND PLACE MEDAL and then receiving high fives and cheers from his teammates.



I wasn’t standing far enough back to get their whole flip in frame - but I captured the idea. These two have a special handshake including a backflip. Pretty cool.

So proud of these boys and how hard they worked in races and in practice. Because of soccer, they often couldn’t stay for all of cross country practice - which was frustrating - especially for Matthew. But what a great ending. 7th grade ALL LEAGUE champions and 8th grade ALL LEAGUE champions! The last year that they can run together!

So grateful that Nathan and Luke have had this cross country experience together. They could not be a greater support to each other. They’ve been running and competing since 2nd grade at Chinook Trail Elementary. Six years later and they are still the fastest kids in their grade. Sometimes Nathan wins and sometimes Luke wins but they cheer each other on and it’s impressive to watch. After today’s race (like every other race) Nathan came up to Luke to give his heartfelt congratulations. Luke was emotional telling me about it. Love these boys.

Love being with these boys! Great season!

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