Homecoming for Megan


Luke asked Megan to Prom in person with ‘the boys’. Luke, Austin, Mitchell and Conner stood on the porch, gave her some chocolates and read the poster which said…

“Will you look out for #2 because I want to go to HOCO with you?”

…and then handed it to her. Once Megan got back in the house and up to her room she fully realized what the poster meant and quickly clasped her hand over her wide open mouth. Earlier in the year when she kind of broke things off with a certain one of them, she had used the phrase… ‘Gotta look out for #1’. Not her best break up line but it obviously made an impression and became a pretty funny joke. Love this group of friends.

Luke picked her up and they headed down to the lake for pictures. Some of the moms and I met them down there.


Megan and Luke, Mallory and Mitchell, Morgan and Austin — and Conner who came along with the group, but without a date.

The group headed from our photo shoot to Salsa Brava for dinner and then to Pine Creek for the Dance. They were at the dance for quite a while and loved it. I barely saw them for a minute right as I finished my Cotton Candy duty with Megan and Adri. Looks like it was a fun evening. At 8:00 I headed over to the Hales to help with the After Party. Megan and her group showed up around 10:00 and stayed for hours. So many kids, tables of delicious food, a big bouncy house and lots of moms hanging out inside together. It was great.

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