Random Details for January, February, March, April, and May

January Life

Walton Week at the Lodge - Sledding at Soldier’s Hollow - Sister Johnson comes home! - Drive back out to Utah - Weekend at the Lodge - BYU winter semester starts for Ryan and Katie - Chris moonlighting in Gunnison for a week - Lunch with Tiffany - Kids start up at school two days a week - Snowday and everything cancelled on January 26th - Pie activity for Emily

First snowman of the new year.

In January Matthew was ordained a DEACON. He’ll be turning twelve in May. Matthew loves the fact that he’s almost as tall as Luke. I think Luke is a little worried. We have a DEACON and a TEACHER this year.

Remembering Grandpa Johnson on January 30th - his birthday. This year I made a little Grandpa Johnson quiz for everyone to fill out. When Katie saw them she requested them for the Johnson gathering at Nikole’s house. Fun to do it all together! We miss you Grandpa!

February Life

Basketball for Matthew - Luke and Matthew stay after school for Sports Club at Middle School - Matt and Emily in Piano Lessons with Gina - Chris working in Gunnison for a week of Moonlighting - Chris and Lisa in Puerto Vallarta for a week with friends: Chuggs, Breinholts and Whites - Valentine’s Day - A facetime to Ryan buying a wedding ring! - Jacksons and Richins over for Sunday dinner - SNOW DAY! and everything cancelled on Feb 25th - Pueblo Tournament Games for Megan in Pride United - Ryan proposing to Cassie!

A few Valentine decorations and cute Valentine messages from the kids when we got home from Mexico!

February 15th - So fun to be FaceTiming with Ryan and Katie as they looked at diamond rings. Cassie’s good friend, Anna, was the one helping them out at the store. So exciting!

February 25th - My Dad finishes his course of radiation therapy. Utah Valley Cancer Center


Hysterical laughing about popcorn while playing Five Crowns

Katie and Annie are one of the first in the family to be vaccinated. Katie’s a substitute teacher!


Emily gets into Brigham Young University and decides to go! So excited for you Emily!

March Life

A St. George trip with all of my siblings, in-laws and parents and no kids - Chris heads back to the kids and I travel up to Provo with my parents to enjoy a bonus week with them and spend time with girlfriends up at the Lodge - Dallas’ birthday and baptism - My flight is cancelled and delayed because of a snowstorm in Colorado but I finally get home - Three of the kids get COVID with hardly any symptoms - I try to quarantine myself away from them - our Florida Spring Break trip is postponed! : (

Come Follow Me lesson about the ARMOR OF GOD

I came home from Utah on Tuesday not knowing that Emily, Megan and Matthew had gotten COVID. Wednesday morning Matthew woke up not feeling great… mostly with a headache. Since we had heard that several of Emily’s friends had been getting sick with COVID we tested Emily and Matthew and when they were both positive, we then tested Megan and Luke. Both of them (and Emily) didn’t have any symptoms at all. Megan’s came back with a positive and additional information that it was a COVID variant, and Luke’s came back NEGATIVE… but I’m still a little unconvinced since he and Matthew spend their lives a foot apart.

With positive tests Chris felt it best that I try to just stay away from the kids as much as possible - even though I had given them all hugs the night before. I moved the downstairs desk up into the corner of my room and edited pictures, read and watched shows. When the girls wanted to come ‘hang out’ they would sit outside my door and we would talk. The boys read scriptures outside my door. It felt like a long week and a half but it went by fast and I was glad that I didn’t get sick. I went and got a Covid test about a week into quarantine but it came back negative.

The saddest repercussion is that we were supposed to be heading to Florida for Spring Break - and all of that had to be cancelled and postponed. So sad.

Just a few quotes and thoughts I’ve been inspired by recently.

April Life

General Conference and Easter - Lisa and the kids come out of isolation and quarantine - Megan’s 16th Birthday - Trip to Utah to stay with Shelley for a few days and then head to the LODGE - Katie heads up to Emily Hurley’s Wedding - Hosting breakfast for Emily and all of the older youth - Lisa’s Vaccination - Dinner with Friends - Katie flies to Hawaii with roommates and Christoffersons - Megan and Natalie’s SWEET 16th Birthday Party - Stake Primary Meeting - Pine Creek Soccer Tryouts for Megan. - Soccer for Luke (Anglers) and Matt (Developmental Pride: bad idea) - Ortho appointments - Senior Celebration for Emily

Chris’ new golf simulator in the garage. Happy boy.

Luke and Andrew are playing for the ANGLERS team this year and are loving it. It’s been a great opportunity. We love having the games on week nights!

April 16th - My turn to get the vaccine. I drove down to the Broadmoor World Arena and stayed in my van through the duration. It was a quick and easy process.

Luke and Matt ready for church. A Teacher and a Deacon.

April 30th - Family night - Mod Pizza for dinner and then over to the park to play Kubb.

Matthew has been playing soccer with friends in Development Pride. Looking back it wasn’t the best decision but he loved being with friends and scoring goals in every game. We just didn’t know how the season would go through this pandemic so we didn’t want to pay big bucks for Competitive.

May Life

Matthew’s Friend Birthday party! - Matthew’s Family Party - Matthew gets really sick, throwing up all night and sleeping most of the day - Emily Choir Concert, Track meet for Luke - Chris’ trip to Bandon Dunes with Doug, Brian and Jared - Megan soccer practice with Varsity - Soccer games with TCA, Lewis Palmer, Fort Carson/Fountain etc - Ward Picnic cancelled because of lightning - Snow Day and everything cancelled on May 11th - Podcast Lunch - Team Dinners for Megan - Vaccinations for Luke and Matt - Ryan, Cassie and Katie drive to Colorado for the weekend, Last Day of School, Graduation Party for Emily and friends - Last day of Soccer for Luke and Matt - stake Conference - Emily’s Graduation - Up to Denver with the Family - Katie speaks in Church to report on her mission - Emily gets her Wisdom Teeth - Silva’s come to visit for a few days on their way to Utah - Primary Presidency Meetings -

Poor Matt - slept ALL day after throwing up all night.

May 7th - Track Meet for Luke - at Challenger Middle School. This boy’s strength is in the distance so he took first in the mile race. Nice job Luke!!

May 17th - First Vaccinations for Luke and Matt at the Drive Up Station over by the mall.

Luke officially becomes a part of the National Junior Honor Society at Chinook Trail. Megan gets asked to Mormon Prom but then can’t go because of a high school soccer game. So sad!

Funny Matt using his headband as a sleeping mask.

The Silvas came through Colorado on their way to Utah and spent a day with us. We went on a hike and ate a picnic lunch by the stream, then headed back to the park to play soccer on the fields and play on the playground.

We took Chris and Amy downtown Colorado Springs to go out for dinner at Dos Santos - a fun indoor/outdoor classy taco place. Before we got our table we wandered through The Exchange. Fun to check it out - and SO much fun to be able to talk just the four of us! Loved that they came to visit!

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