Weekend at the Lodge

We decided to have the kids miss out on one or two days of in person school and headed to Utah to spend a couple of days with Grandma Johnson. We drove late Tuesday night - Megan’s 16th birthday - and stayed with Shelley on Wednesday and Thursday. Chris helped her get some taxes done and we helped with some cleaning around the house including kitchen cabinets and the pantry.

On Thursday night we headed up to the Lodge. In the backyard we have the perfect trees for three hammocks. It’s so fun!! Perfect weather to hang out in the backyard.

Love these three girls!

Friday and Saturday Dad helped Ryan work on the car, the kids did some homework, Grandma Johnson came up for a few days, we ate spaghetti and garlic bread and watched the latest Downton Abbey movie since Katie hadn’t seen it, played soccer at the park, played tennis, went to the Midway Bakery, went to the indoor pool with Derek, and Dallas, played video games, helped Dad set up our owner locker, watched Katie paint for her religion class, and played so many games. It was a great weekend!

We had Sacrament meeting just us at the Lodge. Then a Come Follow Me lesson around the kitchen table and then a Family History Story about Evelyn West - Grandpa Johnson’s mom. It was a fun Sunday together. These Family Pictures were so fun. We started out of the frame and then quickly ran in before the timer. It was pretty funny!

My parents came for Sunday dinner, which was wonderful. Good to visit with them for the evening!

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