January Organization and Goals

Monday, January 17th

  • I am a Healthy Person: Walked two miles on the treadmill, stretched, sat in the sauna, made a Chocolate/Coconut protein shake.

  • I am a Learner: Listened to a chapter of Atomic Habits. I’m really loving it. My goal titles are worded this way because of something I learned in this book. Cast votes for who you want to be. What would a healthy person do? What would a learner do? Instead of making specific goals — think of what kind of person you want to be and then act like that person.

  • I value Recording Life Experiences: Edited and blogged all the pictures from Christmas Morning. So glad to have gotten that all done. It may have helped that when I talked to Ryan on the phone I declared that I would have them done by the end of the week!

  • I value Connection: Talked to Ryan on the phone. Talked to Chris on the phone several times. Talked to my Mom on the phone. Went shopping with Megan.

It was a good day. The kids didn’t have any school because of Martin Luther King Day. It was a pretty relaxing day. I made the kids french toast for breakfast after my workout. I spent several hours editing and blogging with a little emailing and connecting in there too. We had fish and roasted potatoes and carrots for dinner and then cleaned the kitchen together and had devotional. Ian came over for dinner and they cleaned up the gravitrax and then moved around the furniture in Matt’s room. It’s definitely creative. We’ll keep it this way for a few days and then switch it around again. Megan convinced me to let her sign up for two Swing Dance sessions. Life is about to get a lot busier around here with kids activities. Right now Megan is doing two days a week of HS soccer, one day a week on working for the Bosses (and applying for jobs). HS soccer tryouts will take place the last week of February and then that will make sure even busier. Luke has YM on Tuesdays, Parkour Class on Fridays, and will do Swing Dance on Fridays as well. When Anglers starts up again he’ll be busy with two practices and games during the week. Matthew has piano lessons on Mondays, Swing class and YM on Tuesdays, Basketball practice on Wednesdays, Parkour on Fridays and will have two soccer practices and games during the week as well. Because these are my only three kids and Megan is driving herself, I’m able to tackle all the driving. The kids have new charts and seem to be getting everything done that they need to.

Tuesday, January 18th

  • I am a Healthy Person: Walked two miles on the treadmill, stretched, did some arm weights, made a Chocolate/Coconut protein shake.

  • I am a Learner: Listened to the BYU Devotional with Elder Holland. It was really incredible. He shared the recent experience of his friends in a car accident and their story of forgiveness and relying on the Lord and the need for FAITH to get through all of our many trials. Truly inspiring. Katie and Emily were able to watch as well. I also listened to a BYU Speech from William J Barber II called The Need for a Mass Coming Together of Poor People and People of Faith in this Moment of Crisis. Very interesting.

  • I value Recording Life Experiences: I edited Emily’s birthday pictures and finished a post about it. I also edited our Mini-Christmas with Ryan and Cassie and finished the post and then started working on the Thanksgiving Week post. So much done today!

  • I value Connection: I send some pictures on the Walton thread and we texted back and forth for awhile. I talked to Katie tonight. She’s doing well. Her roommates are done with Covid and they are excited about an upcoming hot chocolate party. Mike and I texted for a bit too.

I spent most of my day working on editing and blogging. Everett came home with Luke and Cade came home with Matt and they hung out, finished a movie and moved Matt’s bedroom furniture around again. At 7:00 they all headed to the church for a combined LINE DANCING activity and Matt came home so happy that he had danced with a certain cute girl and hung out with his best bud Sarah Richins since we were combined with Pine Creek. Great activity. Megan head to a Pine Creek/Liberty basketball game afterwards.

Wednesday, January 19th

  • I am a Healthy Person: I walked for two miles, stretched, did an Anti-aging sauna session, and drank a Protein Shake, which I’m enjoying.

  • I am a Learner: I finished listening to the BYU Speech from William J Barber II and read an article in the Deseret News for our Podcast Club today. We had such good discussions about poverty in America. I also listened to a chapter of ATOMIC HABITS and restarted my Habit Tracker App on my phone. Before bed I read The Girl of the Limberlost.

  • I value Recording Life Experiences: I added some extra iPhone pics and texts and details to the December Day by Day post that I want to remember. Love the full story it tells.

  • I value Connection: I talked to Amy, and to Emily and to Chris.

Podcast Lunch was at Adri’s house and I helped by bringing a salad. By the time lunch was over the roads were frozen solid and Andrea texted to warn us to be careful driving home. Even my van had a new bumpy texture as if rain had come down and frozen in place. I stayed in my van waiting for ten minutes so that all the windows would thaw before I slowly drove home. I postponed my dentist appointment and Matthew’s piano lessons and we just stayed home in the freezing weather. Matthew headed to basketball at 7:45 (with the Neilsons) and Luke and I started watching RAYA and the last dragon… which I haven’t seen and had been wanting to.

Thursday, January 20th

  • I am a Healthy Person: I walked for two miles, stretched, and did some weights.

  • I am a Learner: I listened to Atomic Habits. I watched Don’t Miss This about Genesis 5 and Moses 6 and took a page of notes. Good stuff about Enoch walking with God.

  • I value Recording Life Experiences: I edited Luke’s birthday pictures, and the biggest fort pics and posted those along with Halloween Jedi pics.

  • I value Connection: Talked with Katie today. Dropped by a card and candle to Shirley who just lost a family member to Covid. Sent an email to a friend, Melissa. Texted with M Jackson.

The schools sent out a 2 hour delay notice because of the frosty conditions. I convinced the boys to play Wingspan with me. We ended with Matt at 94, Luke at 96 and me at 98. Such close scores! It was a fun slow start to the morning. The boys showered and left for school and then I exercised and got some things done. After school I took Matthew to piano lessons and then home to eat chips and homemade salsa before dropping off the boys at Callisters house. We switched the boys to a Parkour II class since the other one seemed to be a little below their level. The boys LOVED it and came home SO happy. I’m so glad. They loved the coaches, the activities and Matt came home so excited about almost learning how to do a backflip. It was so fun to see the boys so excited and hear about their whole night. Isaac, Everett and Ian are signed up with them and this group loves to be together. So fun!

Getting excited for Chris to come home from Wyoming tomorrow night!

Friday, January 21st

  • I am a Healthy Person: I walked for two miles, stretched, did some weights and squats and then sat in the sauna for a 40 minute cardiovascular session. Then a chocolate and coconut protein shake. We just helped Katie buy just ingredients chocolate protein powder so hopefully she likes it too!

  • I am a Learner: I finished listening to Atomic Habits. Man that book is SO GOOD! Emily finished it as well. Chris has finished it twice now and my mom, and Mike and Chris S (for a second time) are listening to it right now too. So fun to do it together.

  • I value Recording Life Experiences: I edited Luke’s birthday pictures, and the biggest fort pics and posted those along with Halloween Jedi pics.

  • I value Connection: Talked to Ryan… such a joy.

The kids were praying for a snow day but the snow didn’t start until about noon. Perfect timing since I was able to work out and then get ready and head to Costco, do a big grocery purchase and then to Target to pick up the last few ingredients for a couple new recipes this weekend. Then home to put everything away and get the pantry organized.

Luke and Matt and I finished up our movie - Raya and the Last Dragon. Then the sister missionaries called to see if I could come along on one of their appointments with an investigator. It was great. Really good to be there and share my feelings about different aspects of the gospel. Chris got home about 9:30. So good to have him home!

Saturday, January 22nd

  • I am a Healthy Person: I walked on the treadmill for two miles and then joined Chris and the kids doing a workout in the basement… lots of push ups and squats. So sore now! Then stretching. Chris and I sat in the sauna for an anti-aging session and then I made a Chocolate coconut Protein shake.

  • I am a Learner: I listened to Hank Smith and Jon Bytheway’s Podcast about Come Follow Me this week. Loved it!

  • I value Recording Life Experiences: I sat with Chris as he read SO MANY posts that I’ve finished in the last little while. It was fun to show him how much I’ve gotten done.

  • I value Connection: Went out to lunch with Chris. We always have such a good time talking and end up discussing things that are different than what we discuss at home or over the phone. No kids and no distractions. Lots of good information on his Wyoming job and some upcoming real estate investments.

After working out and going out to lunch we came home and played Tiny Towns with the kids. Then watched a few football games. Then Megan and Matt helped me make a new recipe… Italian Pasta Salad, which we liked.

On Sunday we enjoyed a good Come Follow Me discussion and then sat together in church. Lately Chris has been doing High Council things for Ward Conferences so he hasn’t been with me in Sacrament Meeting. Nice to sit together. After church we played Wingspan. Dad and I love to play together! Luke and Matt played too and Megan came down and journaled on the table beside us. Dad and Luke helped make a new recipe for dinner. Smoothered Chicken Burritos. Everyone loved it! I’m really liking this new cookbook I got for Christmas. We watched highlights of a football game together and then Chris headed off to Wyoming for another week. Grateful for a really productive week. Definitely feeling good about all of my goals.

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