Our First Trip to Tulsa

We flew into Tulsa late late Friday night. Well, really it was early Saturday morning. Ryan and Cassie picked us up at the airport at 1:00am and then we headed back to their place about 15 minutes away. Fun to get the tour of their place on the third floor of their apartment building. We had a pretty good idea of how it was laid out because of an excellent FaceTime tour but it was even better in person. Love the extended sun room and the vaulted ceilings and all their cute decorations. Chris and I slept in the second bedroom on a twin bed and a blow up mattress… we were their first overnight guests.

Breakfast at the Big Biscuit

We slept in and then got ready and headed over to the BIG BISCUIT for brunch. Great french toast, egg bowls and cinnamon swirl pancakes.

Flight Safety International Tour

We had filled out some paperwork earlier in the week in order to obtain special visitor passes to come walk around his work. Cassie hadn’t been there either so we were all excited to walk through it and hear more about what he does. After checking in and receiving our visitor badges we headed upstairs to the huge floor of cubicles. He shares a large cubicle with two other guys who he gets along with really well. He showed us his multipage to-do list for each of his projects, and explained in more detail what projects he’s responsible for. Then we headed over to the large catwalk that sits high above the large simulator bays. Ryan pointed out the two simulators that he’s working on — both helicopters right now. It was fascinating. I couldn’t help thinking that my Dad would have loved to tour the facilities. Before leaving I left a message on his white board, and then Cassie did as well, and then Dad finished up with a big GET TO WORK. We all laughed.

Exploring Downtown Broken Arrow

Around the corner from where Ryan works is the most adorable downtown area. We pulled over and ended up walking up and down the street. We found fun painted murals and the cutest little shop called Wild Ivy. Cassie and I had fun looking at everything while Chris and Ryan talked about books. We also found a unique succulents shop where you pick your plant and your pot, order a drink and then sit down at a table and pot your plant. Such a cute idea. If we were hungry we would have tried a gelato shop as well. Next time!

Back to the Apartment

Ryan and Cassie really love their apartment. The pros of being on the third floor are the fireplace and the vaulted ceilings. Some apartments have a little balcony but they love that their space has a little sunroom extension instead. They’ve recently inherited a big blue chair and purchased a bookshelf for the area and are pleased with everything their apartment has to offer. They’ve also inherited Cassie’s parents dog… Dixie. They’ve done a lot of dog-sitting but now they’re taking her full time and they love it. Even Ryan loves having a dog!

We hung out for a bit and played our first board game. Azul Queen’s Garden, I think.

Shopping at Utica Square

Tulsa has a really beautiful outdoor shopping mall (decorated with tulips everywhere) in a beautiful neighborhood. It was fun to do a little shopping at Madewell and then drive through some of the streets with elaborate colonial mansions, German castle homes and tutor style English manors. Every home was unique and impressive. What a beautiful area.

The Gathering Place

Friends had been suggesting that Ryan and Cassie visit The Gathering Place for a year but since they hadn’t, they decided to take us and we could explore it together. It was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed walking along all the many pathways and over bridges. The whole complex was one play structure after another and was definitely every kid’s dream. It reminded Ryan and Chris and I of playgrounds in Germany with their themed towers and unique play structures. Almost like Playmobil Land without the giant playmobil. We walked and walked until finding this gorgeous archway framed with white blossoms. What a beautiful evening.

Cute playgrounds in every direction.

The blossoms were just beautiful. So excited for Spring!


The Gathering Place rested right on the banks of the Arkansas River. After exploring the parks, we enjoyed walking up the River Parks East Trail for awhile before heading to dinner.

Dinner and Shakes at Braums

Ryan and Cassie were excited to take us to Braum’s for dinner… a local favorite. We ordered hamburgers, fries and shakes and loved all of it. Then Chris picked up a couple cartons to bring home. At home we gathered around the kitchen table and played a few more games. So fun to be here!

A typical Sunday for Ryan and Cassie

I didn’t take any pictures on Sunday but it was a great day. We attended Ryan and Cassie’s ward at 9:30 and enjoyed testimony meeting and then relief society/priesthood. Then a few more games and a great Sunday dinner of Cajun Chicken Pasta. Delicious. Ryan was cute to say, ‘sit down and relax while we make you dinner.’ Wow, it is ever great to have your kids cook for you! Sunday evening we headed over to Ryan and Cassie’s best friend’s house to meet them and spend the evening. Tyler and Casey were fantastic. Ryan and Cassie get together with them several times a week and I can see why. By the time we left, we wanted to be best friends with them as well! Fun to see their cute little house, meet their dog, Tank, play some Tiny Towns and eat some ice cream. They were nice enough to take Dixie overnight so that when Ryan and Cassie worked we didn’t have to worry about her.

We headed home at about 9:00 but then sat around the kitchen table talking until midnight - which ended up being one of the many highlights of the weekend.

Chris drove Ryan to work on Monday morning and then we slowly got ready, did some travel research and then met up with Ryan for lunch at TACO’s 4 LIFE right next to his work. It was a fun place with great food. Ryan hadn’t been back here since he interviewed with Flight Safety last year. We spent the whole lunch hour talking about finances, home costs, insurance and Chris was in heaven. Love talking to Ryan!

After lunch Chris and I drove to Utica Shopping Area again and wandered through some stores, drove through the big house neighborhood and walked through the Gathering Place again. Lately our very best talking time is while we walk. It’s been so helpful to focus on what things we want to do while we travel next year and how we want in a house. Then over to the grocery store to pick up a few things and then back over to pick up Ryan.

When Cassie got home then she showed us her new glasses and watched while Ryan tried them on stunned at the sharp details in the distant tree. He had already decided he needed to go in and get his eyes checked, but this solidified his plans. I made a pie, we played a game, we ate Cassie’s stuffed green peppers and then ate ice cream AND pie! What a night.

Celebrating my Dad’s Birthday

I made a cherry cream pie to celebrate my Dad’s birthday — the first one since he passed away. I texted our family group thread and said I was thinking about Dad and was planning on a cherry pie to celebrate. Sarah said she was thinking about popcorn with orange juice mixed with Sprite. Amy said she was going to eat peas in honor of Dad. Chris S said he was going to go find half a watermelon for lunch. Scott said he was going to eat a candy bar with a fork and knife in his honor. Dan added… I’m going to pick up some fresh buns and Black Forest ham for lunch. It was pretty funny! Lots of little Davidisms when it comes to some of his favorite things.

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