Megan's 18th Birthday


Happy Birthday Megan!

Megan’s birthday was on Thursday. She had no classes in the morning so I took her shopping to find some clothes. Shopping isn’t her favorite thing, but we found a few things she was excited about — and that’s always fun. We’ve been shopping a lot lately trying to build up a wardrobe for summer and college.

Megan enjoyed receiving so many texts from family and friends. So fun to be remembered… especially from her friends in Colorado. Since I was with her for most of the morning, she’d call out who the next text was from every couple minutes.

Megan spent her birthday evening with friends at the Boys Soccer game and hanging out afterwards.

Since Dad was out of town and Katie and Emily were coming home for the weekend, we moved her birthday celebrations to Saturday. We opened presents in the morning and then headed out to eat brunch at First Watch… Megan’s choice, since she loves all things breakfast.


A cute card from Luke to Megan along with a promise for a Chick-fil-A gift card.

A new shirt and bag from Katie and Emily. Katie is working at Called to Surf right now which is so fun.

A Colorado sweatshirt for our girl. She’s a St. George girl now but she’ll aways be a little Colorado.

This girl is months away from heading to BYU. So a few college presents seemed in order. A few things to decorate her apartment or room, some kitchen things, a set of inexpensive plates/bowls and a mini rice cooker.


She’s happy to have her own Stanley and loves the color. Now she won’t be stealing mine — as much. We love this girl!

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