Friend Bridal Shower
Our good friend, Megan, was sweet to offer to throw Katie a bridal shower and we took her up on it. She always does a fantastic job of hosting, making great food and beautiful decor. We appreciate and love her so much!
Megan sent out the cutest Rifle Paper Company online invitations with links to all of Katie’s registries.
So fun to have so much friends come celebrate with us. Newly married Hanna - good friends from when they were babies and later in Germany as well. Monae - our favorite family from Georgia. The Cooks - some of our favorite people from Colorado. (Missing Ally) Nancy - Taylor’s mom.
Abbey and Natalie - Nancy and Sister Garner (Katie’s college Bishop’s wife) - Dallie and Annie - Caroline, Marilee and Julie
So grateful for our good friend, Megan, who hosted the shower in her beautiful home. And what fun to have Ashley show up for a few minutes to say hi. Love our Colorado friends!
Grateful to have Terri and Missy come down! Took a picture of Hanna as our stand in for Geneva! Lifelong friends.
Katie was spoiled with so many fun presents. Crate and Barrell glass bowls with lids, chips and salsa platter, pop corn popper and salts, pickleball things, an apple TV, wood bowl with cute utensils, dish towels and plants , a volcano candle and so much more.
Abbey led an activity where she asked Katie a question and then showed Taylor’s response to see if they were the same. It was so cute! The best response was when Abbey asked Katie ‘Who said I love you first?’ Katie responsed… ‘He did.’ With a quick… ‘But I said it right after.’ And then Taylor answered. ‘I did. But she said it right after.’ It was exactly the same answer, same pause and same words. We all laughed.
So fun that our whole Staycation crew could come down for the Bridal Shower. Love all these people.
Love this girl so much.