Palmyra, New York - Hill Cumorah and Grandin
When Megan was called to this mission we heard that families could visit. After reaching out to her mission president, we were told that families were encouraged to come and tour the sites with their missionary. Waiting until the busy summer months were over would allow us more time with her!
Megan knew we were coming tp visit and because we didn’t know our timing coming from the Niagara Falls, we had planned to meet up for dinner at the restaurant.
When we realized we’d be there 20 minutes earlier, we decided to head to the Grandin Print Shop where we knew she was finishing up a shift. We walked in the back door and totally surprised her. It was SO FUN! She just stood there shocked for a couple seconds before registering that it was us! Haha
It’s only been three months since we’ve seen her but it was so fun to give this girl a hug! Love the picture above of Sister Johnson with her trio on historic Main Street in Palmyra. So fun to meet Sister Rios and Sister Rowe. Love them.
Wandering through the streets near the Grandin Print Shop with our missionary! What a neat opportunity!
Megan took us down the historic main street and up to the graveyard where Alvin Smith, Joseph’s brother, was buried. Such a fun view of some of the cool churches in Palmyra.
One of my favorite pictures. What a lovely area of town and such a cool historic building. So fun to wander around for a bit.
We took Sister Johnson and her companions out to dinner at a fun Thai Place.
After dinner we headed over to Walmart and Chris bought all the girls some much needed groceries as well as some picnic food for our Sunday evening meal. The girls were so grateful!
Church with Sister Johnson in Palmyra
Loved sitting in Sacrament meeting with Sister Johnson and her companions! It was a great testimony meeting and we particularly enjoyed testimonies from Sister Bishop and Sister Rios who talked about sacrifice and that missionaries sacrifice a lot to be on a mission but Heavenly Father gives them more than they lose.
We also got to meet President and Sister McCoy. Sister McCoy took me by the arm and whispered… “We love Sister Johnson. It has been a privilege to work with Sister Johnson and watch her grow.” So grateful for them and their leadership and example.
We were so excited to meet the rest of the sisters that serve at the sites — and they were excited to meet us too! So fun that they all attend church together and have become such good friends. We know it’s true that Heavenly Father sent Megan to an all girl mission so she would make some girl friends — and she definitely did! Loved meeting Megan’s besties: Sister Bishop (Megan’s MTC companion) and Sister Naperski! Sister Naperski’s family was visiting this weekend as well and it was so fun to connect with them and take a few pictures. What an amazing group of sisters!
The best trio ever - Sister Rios, Sister Johnson and Sister Rowe
Missionary Extraordinaire
Sister Johnson and her trio had a shift at the Smith Farm and Sacred Grove after church so we headed back to the hotel for a quick nap and then met her back at the Visitor’s Center. It was here that we had more time to visit with the President and Sister McCoy. So neat that Megan sees them both daily. Love them.
The Visitor’s Center was quite busy and we watched as Sister Johnson and her trio talked to everyone and took them off on tours. Megan wanted to take us on a private tour so she opted to give us the tour the following morning and instead she sent us to walk the Sacred Grove for a half hour until her shift was over.
We enjoyed our walk through the Sacred Grove - each imagining and pointing to spots in the grove that might have been where Joseph prayed. It was beautiful and peaceful and we love that it’s just right in Megan’s backyard and that she has the opportunity to walk and study here daily.
After her shift we pulled out our PICNIC LUNCH and headed to the outdoor table near her home. We ate sandwiches, chips, dips and fruit until it started to pour rain and our picnic was cut short — then the girls ran into their apartment to get jackets and we headed for the car. Now that their shift is over they have time to take us on private tours — starting with the Hill Cumorah.
Megan loves all of the Senior Missionaries at the Sites… but maybe none so much as the Van Noys. They love football and Megan’s convinced she’s their favorite. They took such good care of her and all the sisters.
The Hill Cummorah Visitor’s Center
Seeing Sister Johnson standing in front of the Christus as she started our first official Site Tour was pretty emotional. Love this girl and I’m so grateful to be here in Palmyra with her!
Sister Johnson expressed her graditute that we were starting our historic site tours at the Hill Cumorah in front of the Christus. “It’s the perfect place to start because there is nothing special about a grove, a hill or book shop without Him.” She did such a great job leading us and bearing her testimony. Chris and I immediately choked up.
The tour teaches about the Hill Cumorah and the events that occurred there, such as Joseph Smith receiving the golden plates from the angel Moroni. It ended up being the perfect tour to start with!
Out into the rain and up the hill to see the monument.
“The events that took place at the Hill Cumorah were foundational to the establishment of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Directed by the angel Moroni, Joseph Smith found the golden plates deposited in the hill on September 22, 1823. Joseph then met the angel there on the same date for the next three years until he was finally allowed to obtain the plates on September 22, 1827. From those plates, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God.”
Cute Sister Rowe and Sister Johnson. Sister Rios stayed back at the Visitor Center to give a tour in Spanish!
The Grandin Printshop
Sister Johnson loves giving tours of this site and was so excited for us to experience it! “The Grandin Printshop in Palmyra, New York, is the place where the first copies of the Book of Mormon were printed and bound in 1829 and 1830. In early June 1829, Egbert B. Grandin, the young owner of a thriving print business in Palmyra, agreed to print 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon for $3,000. Copies of the Book of Mormon were first available for sale at Grandin’s bookstore on March 26, 1830. Since then, over 176 million copies of the Book of Mormon have been printed in over 100 languages.”
The mighty trio took us on a guided tour up the three levels of the building to see the original bookstore, the printing office, printing press and bindery as well as show us original paintings and Book of Mormon first edition that was published here — back when they typeset the binding title letter by letter. The whole tour was really fascinating.
We each had the opportunity to fold the first sixteen pages of the book of mormon to be ready for binding.
We laughed so hard as these sisters ran around and acted everything out while Megan gave the tour. She thinks a perfect tour will make ou laugh and make you cry. This trio loves to have fun, keeps you interested in the history and then bears a powerful witness of the Book of Mormon. We learned a lot and loved ending with Megan’s tearful testimony!
After the Grandin tour and tired from a busy and wonderful Sunday, we headed back to their missionary apartment. Chris and the boys couldn’t go inside so Megan pulled the kitchen chairs out to the front porch and they hung out as Megan tried some clothes on that I had brought in my suitcase. Then we sat outside and talked and talked. So wonderful to have this time with her and to be able to see her mission life here in Palmyra.