Niagara Falls, New York
We took a WAY TOO EARLY flight from Las Vegas to Syracuse, NY - slept as much as we could on the drive down and on the airplane, got off the flight, rented a car and drove straight to the NIAGARA FALLS. Dad and I had been there before with Ryan and Katie when they were babies — but it’s been 22 years.
Grandma Johnson and her high school friends had been in Palmyra visiting with Sister Johnson and her companions and LOVED their time with her. We planned to meet up at the FALLS for their last day and our first. Fun to explore the falls and the gift shop and then eat lunch together at Hard Rock Cafe.
Granny J and the boys getting soaked on the Maid of the Mists as we approach the falls.
Boats from the USA side were all in blue and boats from the Canadian side of the river were all in red.
Off the boat and up at the lookout area. Always fun to travel with the boys!