Palmyra, New York - Whitmer Farm and Sauders


Had to stop and get a picture of Sister Johnson with this cute American Flag.


Peter Whitmer Farm


Whitmer Farm Visitor’s Center

The trio gave us a great tour and prepped us for the powerful and emotional GROWTH OF THE CHURCH video all about missionaries heading out into different parts of the world to share the gospel. We cried. They cried. After the video Megan asked us all to share our favorite parts and we cried some more. SO GOOD!


Sister Rios told us she loved hanging out with Luke and Matt this weekend - like they were her own brothers. And just look at that impressive jump!


The trio definitely wanted to stop at the random JESUS IS COMING! sign that they pass every time they work at the Whitmer Farm. Pics for everyone!

Sauders Country Store

Apparently Sauders is mission famous. All the site sisters come here often and bring all their visitors. We ate at the restaurant and then shopped around for fun treats.


We LOVED all of the site tours. We LOVED getting to know her companions and we LOVED being with our cute Sister Johnson, feeling her spirit and watching her in action.

Hard to say goodbye to this girl again but so wonderful to be able to have a bonus weekend with her

Lisa JohnsonComment