Seven Sisters Reunited

Ryan, Katie and I packed up Ryan’s car and headed to Utah on Friday morning — just a day and a half after Katie got home! Ryan drove most of the way and then Katie drove the final stretch as we listened to music (mostly Taylor Swift for Katie), read from a book about relationships and had great discussions. So fun being with these two. We opted for a road trip filled with snacks and no stopping for lunch to get to Provo as fast as we could.

We pulled into the Liberty on Eighth parking lot and searched out Katie’s apartment. Annie and Dallie were home and the girls were SO excited to see each other. Abby finished working online and popped out a half hour later bursting with excitement. Another fun reunion. Later, after spying some cute boys throwing a football outside and a bold Katie leading them all to take pictures and make contact, Daylee (and her boyfriend) and Claire (and her boyfriend) came over for more squeals and hugs. Then they face-timed Brynn to chat with her — making the 7 Sisters Reunion complete. So so great to be able to see these cute girls together.

Four of the Seven that will be living together at Liberty on Eighth - Abby, Dallie, Katie and Annie

Some of the old gang back together again. Ryan brought Cassie over to meet Katie and Charlie and Hayden came out too. Love all these people!

The Seven Sisters Reunited- Dallie, Katie, Abby, Annie, Claire, Daylee and Brynn on Facetime from BYU-I

Dallie served in Virginia. Katie in Tampa, Florida. Abbey in Sweden. Annie in Uraguay for the first half and Texas for the second half. Claire in California, Daylee in California and Brynn in the Phillipines for the first half and Utah for the second half. What an adventure for these girls — and through it all they were so supportive to each other and maintained constant contact with their weekly group chat emails. Love these girls. They are going to have so much fun this semester!

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